
There are many factors behind family conflicts involving daughters and mothers.

  26 September 2024 18:30 - Ideally, a family is filled with affection and love between parents and children. But unfortunately, there are often many conflicts faced between parents . There are many triggering factors ranging from misunderstandings to wrong parenting patterns. It can be said that family conflicts are unavoidable, such as the dispute between Nikita Mirzani and her daughter, Laura Meizani Nasseru Asry or who is familiarly called Lolly.

The conflict between Nikita and Lolly has become an endless public discussion. Starting from the problem of Lolly running away from home or a dormitory in London, to the problem related to Lolly's alleged pregnancy which ended in a criminal case that is still under investigation.

Also not to be missed is the family polemic involving a woman from Makassar, South Sulawesi with the initials SA (39) who hacked her biological mother SS (64) indiscriminately. The sadistic act of abuse went viral on social media. The perpetrator is currently being held by the police, while the victim is receiving intensive treatment for the slash wounds she suffered.

After further investigation, the motive for the abuse occurred because the child (SA) did not accept being reprimanded by his mother to clean the house. Feeling offended and upset, SA finally abused his biological mother using a machete. These cases are one of the many problems faced in families, especially between mothers and their children.

There are many factors behind the family conflict . It could be that only internal parties in the family know the reasons behind it until the sadistic conflict arises. Therefore, to avoid unwanted things from happening in the family, it is better to strengthen the relationship between children and mothers from an early age.

So how do you do it? Come on, check out the full review below, as adapted by from various sources, Thursday (26/9)

1. Spend quality time together.

How to strengthen the relationship between daughter and mother  2024


One of the most effective ways to strengthen the relationship between a mother and daughter is to spend quality time together. Research by the Journal of Marriage and Family shows that spending time together, especially on activities that both parties enjoy, can strengthen emotional bonds. For example, doing hobbies together, such as cooking, shopping, or just talking. These activities allow for more open and in-depth communication.

2. Maintain open and honest communication

Communication is one of the keys to building a healthy relationship. Research from the American Psychological Association (APA) states that honest and open communication helps daughters feel heard and understood by their mothers.

Mothers must create a safe environment for children to express their feelings and thoughts without fear of being judged. In addition, mothers also need to avoid authoritarian attitudes in communicating, and instead, prioritize empathy and listening.

3. Provide emotional support.

Emotional support is crucial for a girls psychological development. A study from the Child Development Journal found that children who receive emotional support from their parents, especially their mothers, have better mental well-being.

In this case, the mother must be present to provide support, especially when the child faces problems or challenges. Actions such as listening to complaints, giving wise advice, or simply being by the child's side when needed can strengthen the bond between mother and child.

4. Building mutual trust.

Trust is the foundation of a strong relationship. Research published in Developmental Psychology states that trust between mothers and daughters can improve the quality of long-term relationships.

Mothers should give space for children to make their own decisions, but still provide clear direction. This shows that the mother believes in the child's abilities, so that the child feels appreciated and empowered.

5. Resolve conflicts wisely.

Conflict is a natural part of any relationship, including between mothers and children. The way mothers handle conflict has a big impact on their relationship. A study by the Family Relations Journal showed that a wise approach to resolving conflict, such as discussing it calmly and avoiding confrontation, can strengthen relationships. Instead of forcing their opinions, mothers and children should learn to listen to each other's perspectives to reach a common understanding.

6. Express affection consistently.

Expressions of affection, both verbal and physical, can strengthen the emotional bond between mother and child. Research from the Harvard Study of Adult Development states that people who grow up in loving families tend to have better interpersonal relationships and higher levels of happiness.

Therefore, mothers need to express their love and support consistently, such as through hugs, praise, or words that show appreciation for their children.

7. Respect privacy and boundaries.

Even though mothers and children have a close relationship, it is important to respect each other's privacy and boundaries. A study by the Journal of Adolescence states that respecting privacy can help children feel more comfortable and trusted.

By giving children space to have their own activities and personal time, mothers show an attitude of understanding and trust that can strengthen relationships.
