There are quite a few cases of children who, when they become teenagers, dare to fight their parents. Whose fault is it really?

  25 September 2024 21:15 - Building a harmonious relationship with children requires good communication and attention. However, sometimes without realizing it, children can feel uncomfortable in the family environment. If this feeling is not handled properly, it can affect the child's behavior and development. Parents must have a high level of sensitivity to see whether the child is comfortable or not with them.

Because not all children can express their feelings, sometimes as a parent you have to be more sensitive. Children who have problems expressing emotions tend to hold back their own feelings . Over time, these suppressed emotions can explode and make the child dare to rebel. Like blowing up a balloon continuously, when it gets bigger, it will be more vulnerable and explode at unexpected times. When they are older, the child's behavior can be uncontrollable.

"It's more sensitive when the child is comfortable with his mother. We see when we approach, for example. He feels uncomfortable, he moves aside. Or if we talk to him, for example. 'How is your little brother today, he's fine' if asked like that. Well, it could be that the mother should be more sensitive about it," said Clinical Psychologist Choirunisa Nirahma to , Wednesday (25/9).

Here parents play a central role in maintaining a good relationship. Not always overcoming juvenile delinquency must use harsh methods. The comfort of the child is the main factor in maintaining a good relationship between parents and their children.

"How comfortable the child is, it depends on how the mother and child communicate. For example, if a child or teenager wants to tell a story that he or she made a mistake. But the response is explosive. I want to tell a story, why am I being scolded like this," said Choirunisa.

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Understanding the signs of a childs discomfort is essential to preventing more serious behavioral problems later on. Changes in behavior, such as withdrawal, frequent tantrums, or avoiding eye contact, are signals that a child may need more attention. With the right attention and support, the relationship between parent and child can be restored and help the child grow in a positive environment. reports from various sources, here are 7 signs that a child is not comfortable with his parents, these symptoms must be understood before the child gets out of control.

1. Children tend to withdraw

If your child frequently avoids family conversations or activities, this could be a sign of discomfort. Your child may feel misunderstood or worried about how their parents will react to what they want to say. If left unchecked, this condition can cause your child to become more emotionally distant.

2. Often angry or frustrated

Extreme emotional changes, such as being easily angered or frustrated, can be a sign that your child is under stress. When your child doesn't feel safe expressing their feelings or opinions, these emotions can come out in the form of anger or other emotional outbursts.

3. Not willing to share stories

Uncomfortable children are usually reluctant to share stories about their daily lives. If children rarely talk about what happens at school or in their social environment, they may feel that their parents will not listen or understand what they are feeling.

4. Avoid eye contact

Eye contact is one way that children show confidence and comfort when interacting. If your child often avoids eye contact when talking to their parents, this could be a sign that something is bothering them or that they feel they are not being heard properly.

5. Looks restless at home

Being restless or restless at home is a sign that your child may be feeling stressed or anxious. Children who feel comfortable at home will usually feel calm and relaxed. Conversely, if the home atmosphere is not supportive, your child will show signs of anxiety.

6. Often argues or fights back

Children who frequently argue or fight back may be trying to express their frustration or discomfort. This is often a way for children to show that they feel controlled or not given space to express their opinions.

7. Changes in sleeping or eating patterns

Drastic changes in sleeping or eating patterns can also be indicators of distress. Children who are feeling stressed or depressed are more likely to experience sleep disturbances or loss of appetite. These changes may seem minor, but they can indicate deeper issues with how your child feels about the atmosphere at home.
