
Religious studies in the month of Ramadan are a series of events held to fill time and strengthen human relationships with Allah.

  24 Februari 2024 11:00 - Recitation is a learning activity about religious knowledge that takes place in community life, guided by a Koran teacher. The recitation event itself can be held at any time, but generally there are also those who hold recitations on Islamic holidays. For example, Isra Mi'raj of the Prophet Muhammad SAW, Nuzulul Qur'an, or even the month of Ramadan. Religious studies in the month of Ramadan are a series of events held to fill time and strengthen human relationships with Allah.

Where the recitation of the month of Ramadan is one of the activities that is often carried out to increase faith and piety, as well as deepen religious knowledge. Ramadhan recitations are usually held on a grand scale, involving many participants from various circles, such as the community, organizations or institutions. However, there are also those who hold simple recitation events such as recitation between certain groups, RT level residents and so on. So, this example of a schedule for recitation events for the month of Ramadan can be used as an option for routine recitations in a small scope or even in a wider scope such as a grand recitation.

When holding a recitation in the month of Ramadan , you usually invite speakers who are experts or people who have more experience in the field of religion, such as ustadz, kyai, or preachers. Therefore, to hold a successful Ramadhan recitation, a neat and structured event arrangement is needed. In simple terms, the schedule for the recitation of the month of Ramadan is a series of activities carried out during the recitation, from opening to closing.

The arrangement of the recitation program for the month of Ramadan must be adjusted to the theme, aims and objectives of the recitation. Apart from that, the schedule for the Ramadhan recitation program must also pay attention to the time, place and facilities available. The following is an example of a recitation program for the month of Ramadan, summarized by from various sources on Friday (23/2).

The purpose of the recitation of the month of Ramadan

Example of a recitation program for the month of Ramadan  2024

Example of a recitation program for the month of Ramadan

The aim of recitation in the month of Ramadan is to get closer to Allah SWT through efforts to increase worship and fill activities with religious activities. This is because the month of Ramadan is a month full of blessings where Muslims are required to increase their worship, including reading the Koran, sharing kindness and carrying out recitations.

In principle, the recitation program in the month of Ramadan invites everyone to be devout and then equip themselves with religious knowledge that will bring success in this world and in the afterlife. For example, in the month of Ramadan you are encouraged to do more recitations, read the Koran, understand and practice the contents of the Koran, which is one of the good deeds that has double the rewards.

Thus, it can be understood that recitation in the month of Ramadan has the aim of getting closer to Allah, increasing worship, and inviting everyone to return to the guidance of the Prophet not only in the month of Ramadan but can be istiqomah even after the month of Ramadan is over.

The structure of the recitation program for the month of Ramadan.

Example of a recitation program for the month of Ramadan  2024

Example of a recitation program for the month of Ramadan

1. Muqodimah

Muqodimah is the initial part of the recitation, which contains the reading of basmalah, hamdalah, shalawat and greetings. Muqodimah aims to start the recitation by mentioning the name of Allah SWT, praising Him, and offering prayers to the Prophet Muhammad SAW.

Basically, a preamble contains an introduction and background to the recitation, as well as welcoming words to the participants and speakers. Usually the muqodimah event schedule will be guided by an MC (Master of Ceremony).

2. Opening

After the opening, a recitation program will continue with the reading of verses from the holy Koran. Generally, the opening will include remarks from the organizers, for example from the mosque takmir, committee chairman, or institutional representatives.

This opening aims to formally open the recitation, so that participants can understand what theme will be presented and what their future hopes are regarding the recitation event.

3. Religious Lectures

After that, it was on to the main event, namely the lecture. A lecture is an activity to convey ideas related to religion with the aim of providing knowledge, advice and motivation to the participants to get closer to the Creator.

Please remember, a lecture must be delivered in language that is easy to understand, interesting and interactive so that it is easier for the participants to absorb what the lecturer is saying.

4. Question and Answer Session

The question and answer session is an additional series of lectures which provides the opportunity for participants to ask the lecturer about the material presented.

5. Prayer reading

This final part is part of the recitation, which contains the reading of prayers with the speaker. This event usually aims to ask Allah SWT to give blessings, mercy and guidance to all those present. Apart from that, the prayer session is a sign to end the recitation well.

6. Conclusion

Lastly there is a closing ceremony. As there is a series of openings, the recitation must also be closed with thanks and an apology from the organizer if there are errors during the recitation event.

Generally, the closing also contains announcements and important information related to the recitation, such as the next recitation schedule, donations, or documentation.

Example of a Religious Program for the Month of Ramadan

Example of a recitation program for the month of Ramadan  2024

Example of a recitation program for the month of Ramadan

Theme: Welcoming and Commemorating Nuzulul Qur'an

Time: Tuesday, March 26 2024 (example, adjust to desired date)

Place: Al Ikhlas Mosque, Yogyakarta (example, adjust to location)

19.30 - 21.30 WIB


Opening (19.30 - 19.35 WIB)

- MC says opening greetings and introduces himself.

- Reading of holy verses from the Koran and recitations.

- Short speech from the Chair of the Committee or mosque administrator.

- Opening prayer.

Tausiyah Ramadhan and Nuzulul Qur'an (19.35 - 20.30 WIB)

- Completed by Ustadz/Ustadzah with the theme "Grounding the Qur'an in the Month of Ramadhan" or similar.

- Short question and answer session (optional).

- Closing (20.30 - 21.30 WIB)

Closing pray.

- Reading Qasidah/Sholawat (optional).

- Announcement of next activities (if any).

- Friendly and friendly.

Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.