foto: Facebook/@fitri.rahmawati.90038

If not cleaned properly, this crust can interfere with the performance of the appliance and even cause rice to go stale quickly.

  21 Februari 2025 17:30 - Magic com is one of the kitchen appliances that is often used to cook rice every day. Over time, the inside and bottom of the magic com can become dirty and crusty due to dried rice residue or spilled water. If not cleaned properly, this crust can interfere with the performance of the appliance and even cause the rice to go stale quickly.

Don't worry, you don't need to bother buying a special cleaner. There is an easy and cheap way to clean the magic com using only ingredients that are already available at home. A mixture of baking soda and toothpaste can be a powerful solution to remove stubborn crust. Come on, see the complete method below as quoted by from Facebook Fitri Rahmawati, Friday (21/2).

Materials needed
- 2 tbsp baking soda (kitchen ingredient used)
- 1 tbsp toothpaste
- Enough water (if needed)
- Used toothbrush
- Dry cloth

How to clean dirty and crusty magic com

1. Make a cleaning mixture

- Prepare a small container, then mix the baking soda and toothpaste.
- Mix until it forms a thick paste. If it is too dry, add a little water to make it easier to apply.

cleaning dirty and crusty magic com photo: Facebook/@fitri.rahmawati.90038

Clean dirty and crusty magic com
photo: Facebook/@fitri.rahmawati.90038

2. Apply to the dirty area

- Take a little cleaning mixture, then apply it to the base of the magic com that has crust on it.
- Make sure all dirty areas are evenly covered.

3. Brush gently

- Use an old toothbrush to scrub the crust and stains on the bottom of the magic com.
- Use circular movements so that the cleaner works optimally.

cleaning dirty and crusty magic com photo: Facebook/@fitri.rahmawati.90038

Clean dirty and crusty magic com
photo: Facebook/@fitri.rahmawati.90038

4. Repeat the process if necessary

- If the crust still sticks, repeat the application and brushing steps until it is completely clean.

5. Wipe dry

- Once the scale has been removed, wipe off any remaining cleaner with a dry cloth.
- Make sure there is no residue left before using the magic com again.

cleaning dirty and crusty magic com photo: Facebook/@fitri.rahmawati.90038

Clean dirty and crusty magic com
photo: Facebook/@fitri.rahmawati.90038

cleaning dirty and crusty magic com photo: Facebook/@fitri.rahmawati.90038

Clean dirty and crusty magic com
photo: Facebook/@fitri.rahmawati.90038

Additional tips to keep your magic com clean

- Do not let the remaining rice dry on the bottom of the magic com, clean it immediately after use.
- Use a plastic or wooden rice spoon to avoid scratching the surface.
- Clean the magic com regularly to prevent dirt and scale from accumulating.
- If the crust is too thick, soak it first with warm water before cleaning it.

With this simple trick, dirty and crusty magic com can be clean again like new. No need for expensive chemicals, just use baking soda and toothpaste that are at home. Good luck!
