Gold is one of the most valuable precious metals and is popular as an investment or jewelry.

  3 September 2024 18:21 - Gold is one of the most valuable and popular precious metals as an investment or jewelry. However, the rampant circulation of fake gold on the market makes us have to be more vigilant when buying or receiving gold. Therefore, knowing how to check real or fake gold is very important. This article will discuss several ways that you can do to ensure the authenticity of gold properly.

1. Check the stamp mark on the gold

The first way to check whether gold is real or fake is to check the stamp or seal on the surface of the gold. Usually, real gold has a certain stamp that indicates its carat content, such as 24K, 22K, 18K, or 14K. This stamp indicates the purity of the gold. If you find gold that does not have this stamp or seal, then you should be more careful and question its authenticity.

Also, make sure the stamp is clearly visible and does not appear faint or printed sloppily. Fake gold often has a stamp mark that is less precise or even absent altogether. Therefore, checking the stamp mark is an easy first step to knowing how to check real or fake gold.

2. Using a magnet to check the authenticity of gold

Another fairly simple and effective way to check real or fake gold is to use a magnet. Real gold is a non-magnetic metal, so it will not be attracted to a magnet. You can try holding a strong magnet close to the jewelry or gold bar you want to test.

If the gold sticks or is attracted to a magnet, there is a high probability that the gold is fake or contains a mixture of other magnetic metals. However, keep in mind that even though gold does not stick to a magnet, this is not an absolute guarantee that the gold is real. This is just one way to check real or fake gold easily.

3. Biting the gold to find out its authenticity

The way to check real or fake gold that is often done is to bite the gold. Gold is a soft metal and easily deformed when given pressure. When you bite real gold, there should be a visible bite mark. The higher the karat of the gold, the easier the metal is to scratch or bite.

However, this method needs to be done carefully because if the fake gold is made of materials such as gold-plated tin, the bite can also leave a mark. So, although this is a traditional way to check real or fake gold, it still needs to be combined with other methods for more accurate results.

4. Conduct a density test to check the authenticity of the gold.

A more scientific way to check real or fake gold is to do a density test. Gold has a high density, which is around 19.3 grams per cm. To test the density of gold, you can use a digital scale to measure the weight of the gold, then measure the volume of the gold by dipping it in water and measuring the change in the volume of the water.

After that, calculate the density by dividing the weight of the gold by the volume of water displaced. If the density result is close to 19.3 grams per cm, then the gold is most likely real. Density testing is one of the more accurate ways to check real or fake gold, although it requires a little equipment and precision in measurement.

5. Using nitric acid liquid to test the authenticity of gold

The acid test is a fairly effective method to check whether gold is real or fake. Real gold will not react with nitric acid, while other metals or fake gold will change color or react when exposed to acid. To do this test, you need to apply a little nitric acid to the surface of the gold.

If the gold still does not react or change color, then it is most likely real gold. However, if there is a change in color or a chemical reaction, then the gold could be fake. This test should be done carefully because it involves dangerous chemicals. If you are unsure, it is best to seek help from a jeweler or a trusted gold shop.

6. Using ultrasonic testing for gold authenticity

Ultrasonic testing is another more advanced way to check real or fake gold. This test uses sound waves to detect the authenticity of gold. Real gold will reflect sound waves in a certain way that is different from other metals.

This method is usually done in a jewelry store or a special laboratory because it requires special equipment and technical knowledge. Although ultrasonic testing is a more expensive method, the results are very accurate in determining whether the gold is real or fake.

7. Using x-ray fluorescence (XRF) test

X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) test is the most accurate and scientific method to check whether gold is real or fake. This test uses X-rays to analyze the composition of the metals in gold without damaging it. XRF test can detect the levels of gold and other alloys with great precision.

Although this test cannot be done at home because it requires special and expensive equipment, you can ask a jeweler or laboratory to do an XRF test. The results are very accurate and reliable in determining the authenticity of gold.

Always make sure to buy gold from a trusted source and do a thorough check of the gold's authenticity. That way, you can feel safe and confident that the gold you have is real. Hopefully this guide helps you know how to check real or fake gold properly!
