Roses not only have high aesthetic value, but also have various benefits, both in the fields of health and beauty.

  19 September 2024 09:45 - Observation report is one type of text that is often used in education and research. This text serves to convey observation results systematically and objectively. One interesting object to observe is the rose, which is known for its beauty and variety of colors.

Roses not only have high aesthetic value, but also have various benefits, both in the fields of health and beauty. Therefore, observations of roses can provide a lot of useful information. Through the observation report, this information can be conveyed clearly and in a structured manner.

This article will discuss five examples of observation report texts about roses. Each example will be accompanied by an explanation of the definition and structure of the observation report. By understanding this structure, it is hoped that it can help in compiling an informative and easy-to-understand report.

Definition of observation report

Observation report is a text that contains an explanation of the results of observations of an object or phenomenon. This text aims to convey information objectively and systematically based on data obtained from direct observation.

Observation result structure
  1. Title: Mentions the object being observed.
  2. Introduction: Explains the background and purpose of the observation.
  3. General Description: Provides a general description of the object being observed.
  4. Part Description: Describes the parts or important aspects of the object.
  5. Closing: Summarize the results of observations and provide recommendations if necessary.

Example 1: Report on the results of observations of red roses

Title: Observation of red roses

Introduction: Red roses are known as a symbol of love and beauty. This observation aims to understand the physical characteristics and benefits of red roses.

General description: Red roses have bright red petals with a fragrant aroma. This plant usually grows in temperate climates and requires special care.

Description of the part: The petals of a red rose consist of several layers arranged neatly. The leaves are dark green with serrated edges. The stems are thorny, which serves as protection from predators.

Conclusion: Red roses are not only beautiful to look at, but also have benefits in the field of health and beauty. Rose extract is often used in skin care products.

Example 2: Report on the results of observations of white roses

Title: Observation of white roses

Introduction: White roses are often associated with purity and holiness. This observation aims to identify the physical characteristics and uses of white roses.

General description: White roses have pure white petals with a soft scent. This plant can grow in various types of soil, as long as it gets enough sunlight.

Description of the part: The petals of the white rose are composed of several smooth layers. The leaves are light green with a slightly hairy surface. The stem also has thorns, although not as many as the red rose.

Conclusion: White roses are often used in wedding ceremonies and religious events. In addition, this flower also has properties to overcome several skin problems.

Example 3: Report on observations of yellow roses

Title: Observation of yellow roses

Introduction: Yellow roses symbolize friendship and happiness. This observation aims to determine the characteristics and benefits of yellow roses.

General description: Yellow roses have bright yellow petals with a refreshing scent. This plant usually grows in areas with high humidity.

Description of the part: The petals of the yellow rose consist of several thick layers. The leaves are bright green with smooth edges. The stem has small thorns that are not too sharp.

Conclusion: Yellow roses are often used as gifts for friends or best friends. In addition, this flower also has benefits in improving mood and reducing stress.

Example 4: Report on the results of observations of pink roses

Title: Observation of pink roses

Introduction: Pink roses are often associated with tenderness and affection. This observation aims to understand the physical characteristics and benefits of pink roses.

General description: Pink roses have soft pink petals with a sweet scent. This plant can grow in various climates, as long as it gets good care.

Description of the part: Pink rose petals are composed of several soft layers. The leaves are green with a smooth surface. The stem has moderate thorns that are quite sharp.

Conclusion: Pink roses are often used in flower arrangements for romantic occasions. In addition, this flower also has benefits in skin and hair care.

Example 5: Report on observations of orange roses

Title: Observation of orange roses

Introduction: Orange roses symbolize passion and enthusiasm. This observation aims to identify the physical characteristics and uses of orange roses.

General description: Orange roses have bright orange petals with a strong aroma. This plant usually grows in areas with sufficient sunlight.

Description of the part: The petals of the orange rose consist of several thick layers. The leaves are dark green with serrated edges. The stems have large, very sharp thorns.

Conclusion: Orange roses are often used in decorations for high-energy events. In addition, this flower also has benefits in increasing energy and vitality.
