
This way of saving money can also form a more responsible character.

  17 Maret 2024 23:00 - The term student is a nickname for someone who is studying at a university. Student status usually begins after completing secondary education (such as high school or vocational school) and choosing to continue their studies at a higher level of education . Students can also be defined as individuals who are registered and actively participating in educational programs at a college or university.

Students have quite a variety of activities starting from studying, doing social activities, to working part time. Therefore, if you are a student, you must be smart in dividing your activities. Moreover, activities that accumulate require enough money to accommodate daily activities.

Therefore, it is important for students to pay attention to their finances so that they do not run out at the end of the month and experience a difficult crisis. So saving money for students is something that must be learned to avoid the lean season every month. Especially for overseas students who are usually allocated money from their parents every month.

But that doesn't mean it can be a safe point and waste money as you please. In fact, you have to use this momentum as a lesson to form a disciplined character and gain financial stability while abroad. Therefore, saving money for students is the right step to avoid a difficult end of the month.

Saving money as a student can be a challenge, but with a few wise habits, you can ensure your finances stay balanced until the end of the month. Here, compiled from various sources on Sunday (17/3), ways to save money for students that are guaranteed to be free from the end of the month.

1. Create a budget.

how to save money


Determine your monthly expenses such as basic necessities, food, transportation and shopping. Prioritize your needs and allocate money according to the priorities in your activities for the whole month.

2. Save money on food shopping.

The next thing you can do is cook. Cooking can save money and is more economical compared to eating out every day. Apart from that, you can also buy goods in large quantities every month so you don't have to spend your money again at the end of the month.

3. Use public transportation.

Using public transportation can be a money-saving alternative for students. The reason is, by using public transportation you can save money on fuel and parking during your daily activities.

4. Take advantage of discounts and promotions.

how to save money


As a student, of course eating out is inevitable. However, if you want to save money for students then use your student card to get discounts at restaurants, bookstores and other places. This can be a tip for students so they can still eat at cool places but still have a low budget because of the applicable discounts.

5. Choose an affordable place to live.

Of course, as a student, you want a decent place to live. The next tip for saving money for students is to choose a place to live that is budget or low rent. This can help you keep saving money so you don't run short at the end of the month.

6. Use used items.

Often we find items around us that can still be used. A way to save money that you can apply when studying is to buy used goods, but they can still function well and are suitable for use. These used items can be books, clothes, or equipment, this method can save money for students.

7. Avoid unnecessary debt.

While studying, as much as possible, avoid debt activities that are consumptive in nature and not for urgent needs, especially if you have to go into debt using a credit card or loan. This can be used so that you can still save money.

8. Part-time or freelance work.

how to save money


The next way that can be used to save money or find extra pocket money is to become a freelance or part-time worker. Freelancing can be an alternative so you can earn extra money and save money for other needs.

9. Set aside money from the start.

The most important thing for you as a student is to put aside some money every month into savings, even if the amount is small it is very helpful.

10. Avoid wasteful habits.

how to save money


So, for those of you who like to be wasteful, please don't do it if you want to be safe at the end of the month. The thing is, if you avoid wasteful habits such as impulsive, unplanned shopping, then you can save money well.

11. Take advantage of library services and campus facilities.

As a student on campus, of course the facilities there can be used for free. So, to save money you can use the library to borrow books and learning resources without having to buy them.

12. Control entertainment expenses.

how to save money


If you want to find entertainment while studying, then you can use more affordable entertainment alternatives, such as watching films at home instead of going to the cinema.

13. Wisely manage monthly expenses.

For those of you who are students, it is important to always consider whether the item you want to buy is really needed before making a transaction.

14. Take part in a scholarship or financial aid program.

The cost of university education is not cheap, it is important for you to think about how to save money as a student. You can apply this method, such as taking part in scholarship programs or financial assistance that may be available.

Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.