Even though it seems sarcastic, the promotional writing on this banner is related, right?

  9 Februari 2024 05:45

Brilio.net - Working as an entrepreneur requires having a lot of creative ideas. For example, when you sell, the profit factor will be determined by whether or not the product you are selling sells. To sell, of course you need promotion.

So, promotion methods must of course be thought of with creative ideas. In fact, it's not uncommon for the ideas that come up to be eccentric and different from the others. For example, when promotions use banner media, there are writing ideas whose message content seems to be sarcastic to the point that it reaches your heartstrings.

Even though it seems sarcastic, the promotional writing on this banner is related, right? Ah, let's get straight to it. Compiled by brilio.net from various sources on Friday (9/2), here are 11 hilarious portraits of this promotional banner, written sarcastically about police, after reading auto self-reflection.

1. For those making a fuss about the election, you can read this banner.

This hilarious banner portrait is written sarcastically by pol freepik.com

photo: Twitter/@KucengTerbanggg

2. Just pure gasoline, don't you love it?!

This hilarious banner portrait is written sarcastically by pol freepik.com

photo: 1cak.com

3. So, for single people who have nothing to do on weekends, it's better to go fishing.

This hilarious banner portrait is written sarcastically by pol freepik.com

photo: 1cak.com

4. That's right, let the legislative candidates be famous, not these gentlemen.

This hilarious banner portrait is written sarcastically by pol freepik.com

photo: 1cak.com

5. No, these guys don't want to advertise, but are giving promotions for billboard rental services.

This hilarious banner portrait is written sarcastically by pol freepik.com

photo: Instagram/@sukijan.id

6. Don't look wrong, there are angkringan promotional banners that almost resemble legislative candidate banners.

This hilarious banner portrait is written sarcastically by pol freepik.com

photo: 1cak.com

7. Instead of lamenting the fate of loneliness, it's better to contact this person, mblo!

This hilarious banner portrait is written sarcastically by pol freepik.com

photo: Instagram/@anam_chenel

8. The banner that makes old students cringe.

This hilarious banner portrait is written sarcastically by pol freepik.com

photo: 1cak.com

9. It's also called life, bro. Even though there are many problems, you still have to wash your clothes too.

This hilarious banner portrait is written sarcastically by pol freepik.com

photo: Twitter/@nocontextwarung

10. This actually insinuates that batteries are already sluggish.

This hilarious banner portrait is written sarcastically by pol freepik.com

photo: Twitter/@nocontextwarung
