This English vocabulary is beyond BMKG's predictions~

  23 Februari 2024 11:25 - It is indeed best for Indonesian people to master foreign languages, especially English. Of course English has a significant role in the global context, both in the fields of business, education, technology and international communication. Moreover, Indonesia is often visited by foreign tourists. It's nice if you can chat in English.

However, to get there we have to learn English first. It doesn't need to be smooth, the important thing is that the person communicating understands what we mean. Well, usually, beginners like this often practice it with friends and people closest to them. Either via chat or verbally.

It is not uncommon for people to use English as a means of bravado. Because people will look a little smart if they can speak English. But you also need to pay attention, at least the wording is correct, so that the person you are chatting with is not confused.

Don't be like the funny chat below . Because it's British, instead of looking cool it makes you feel bad. It's better to take lessons again. Just look, everything was collected by from various sources on Friday (23/2).

1. Don't even talk dirty.

Funny chat with pretentious English from various sources

photo: Twitter/@moonareas

2. Baby fish, what do you mean by baby fish?

Funny chat with pretentious English from various sources

photo: Twitter/@ttaynewnt

3. The feeling that I'm nobody is not that English.

Funny chat with pretentious English from various sources

photo: Facebook/@Arif Gunawan

4. At a minimum, if you don't know, just say you don't know, don't just make noise.

Funny chat with pretentious English from various sources

photo: Facebook/@Muhammad Saifuddin

5. That's why I said, it's better to take more lessons.

Funny chat with pretentious English from various sources

photo: Facebook/@Muhammad Saifuddin

6. What gender is Gmail?

Funny chat with pretentious English from various sources

photo: Facebook/@Muhammad Saifuddin

7. Thenkss it makes you excited.

Funny chat with pretentious English from various sources

photo: Facebook/@Gallaro

8. Still asking why.

Funny chat with pretentious English from various sources

photo: Facebook/@Edd Jhonathan

9. I don't know whose fault it is.

Funny chat with pretentious English from various sources


10. Oh my god it turned out like this~

Funny chat with pretentious English from various sources


11. Wow, I'm really embarrassed.

Funny chat with pretentious English from various sources

photo: Twitter/@Tanyarlfes

Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.