At first it was irritating, the ending made you sullen.

  22 Februari 2024 21:45 - The process of approaching a crush, or what is popularly known as PDKT, is a common method for young people today to find a boyfriend. In the digital era like now, PDKT is often done via chat, from social media to chat applications such as WhatsApp.

In the process, there will usually be chats, questions and answers , and codes between the girl and the guy. The result of this PDKT process is usually a decision to have a more serious relationship or not. If you end up dating, then the couple is lucky. But what happens if one of them gets rejected?

The way you reject it can be said to be annoying. Like the following series of funny chat portraits. Collected by from various sources on Thursday (22/2), these 11 funny chats ended up being so annoying that they made you cry in the corner, the definition of unrequited love!

1. Reply with a sticker and then think what the code is. It turns out this is the annoying answer.

This funny PDKT chat has hilarious responses from various sources

photo: Twitter/@txtdariwhatsap

2. That's the ending! How could you choose to eat chicken noodles instead of being in a relationship?!

This funny PDKT chat has hilarious responses from various sources

photo: Twitter/@txtdariwhatsap

3. I'm tired of staying up late chatting, it turns out he likes his friend.

This funny PDKT chat has hilarious responses from various sources

photo: Twitter/@txtdariwhatsap

4. It's true that this relationship is called habluminannas. But the connotation is more about relationships with random people, right?

This funny PDKT chat has hilarious responses from various sources

photo: Twitter/@fauzisetiaw

5. Lessons for those of you who are PDKT. Think carefully before throwing insults.

This funny PDKT chat has hilarious responses from various sources

photo: Twitter/@vxlrdy

6. As if you have no sin, reply to your crush's chat after six months.

This funny PDKT chat has hilarious responses from various sources

photo: Twitter/@yamikillua

7. I don't want to, so much so that I use unreasonable excuses.

This funny PDKT chat has hilarious responses from various sources

photo: Twitter/@rachmatstiawn

8. The four-minute moment that makes you want to cry on the side of the road .

This funny PDKT chat has hilarious responses from various sources

photo: Twitter/@plistin

9. If the response is like this from the start, it's better to just back off, bro. Difficult!

This funny PDKT chat has hilarious responses from various sources

photo: Twitter/@toxicalrt_

10. A way to invite PDKT that is not worth emulating, brothers and sisters.

This funny PDKT chat has hilarious responses from various sources

photo: Twitter/@howtodresvvell

11. At first it was bap er, the ending made you frown.

This funny PDKT chat has hilarious responses from various sources

photo: Twitter/@kyottkidd
