It's also called romance, it wouldn't be complete without fighting.

  23 Februari 2024 10:25 - Every couple certainly has a love story that doesn't always run smoothly. There is always the potential for problems which often lead to arguments. However, understanding each other and admitting mistakes is one of the keys to making a relationship last.

Nowadays, chat applications have an important role in the continuity of a couple's relationship. Outside of dating on Saturday nights, chatting with your girlfriend is a fun activity.

With this application, various things can be told even though distance separates them. Apart from that, when there is a problem, two lovebirds who are fighting can solve the problem just by calling or sending a message.

But what happens if when you have a fight with your girlfriend the ending makes you grin? Like the following series of funny chats. Collected by from various sources on Friday (23/2), eleven funny chats and fighting with your boyfriend are full of drama, but the ending makes you unable to stop grinning.

1. At first the drama ended. Try reading the ending.

Funny chats and fights with girlfriends. Various sources

photo: Twitter/@txtdariwhatsap

2. When you get a trick question from your uncle, the answer is weird like this.

Funny chats and fights with girlfriends. Various sources

photo: Twitter/@txtdarisadboys

3. The ending is blaming yourself. Be patient, bro.

Funny chats and fights with girlfriends. Various sources

photo: Twitter/@txtdarisadboys

4. A great excuse.

Funny chats and fights with girlfriends. Various sources

photo: Twitter/@akuyangbikin

5. If this is the ending it will make you panic.

Funny chats and fights with girlfriends. Various sources

photo: Instagram/

6. It turns out that his girlfriend is a future chemical scientist. It's better to register for the Olympics, bro.

Funny chats and fights with girlfriends. Various sources

photo: Twitter/@txtdarisadboys

7. Fate has a girlfriend who has detective talent. Yes, that's roughly what happens.

Funny chats and fights with girlfriends. Various sources

photo: Instagram/

8. Wow, how come you can only go to the shop for four hours?

Funny chats and fights with girlfriends. Various sources

photo: Twitter/@txtdarisadboys

9. A correct but incorrect answer.

Funny chats and fights with girlfriends. Various sources

photo: Twitter/@txtdaridoi

10. What kind of chat model is this?

Funny chats and fights with girlfriends. Various sources

photo: Twitter/@txtdarisadboys

11. This too. The way he fights via chat with his girlfriend is really strange!

Funny chats and fights with girlfriends. Various sources

photo: Twitter/@txtdaridoi

Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.