Even one letter has a different meaning~

  22 Februari 2024 10:45

Brilio.net - Before carrying out a pick-up or other service, usually online motorcycle taxi drivers and customers have to communicate first. This communication takes place via chat both from the ojol application and on WA. At least with this chat, they can exchange information regarding travel status, estimated time, or specific questions about ojol services.

Communication via chat not only makes the communication process easier , but also increases openness and comfort for both parties. However, because the driver is on the road while driving, there are mostly a few typos that make customers confused. Multitasking is difficult.

But if the typo is too far away, it can confuse customers. Instead of understanding, if you get impatient you might even get offended. As in the picture below, just look at the hilarious portraits , all collected by brilio.net from various sources on Thursday (22/02).

1. Is there a Go-block service?

Kang Ojol has typos from various sources

photo: Twitter/@mowtly

2. Very old school means it's a car, cooked in the era of burnt ash.

Kang Ojol has typos from various sources

photo: Twitter/@mowtly

3. Which one do you want to do kung fu with?

Kang Ojol has typos from various sources

photo: Twitter/@mowtly

4. The typos don't finish.

Kang Ojol has typos from various sources

photo: Facebook/@ceritaojol

5. What does forgiveness mean?

Kang Ojol has typos from various sources

photo: Twitter/@camaraderie693

6. It must have the letter H, sir. kang ojolnya typo  various sources

photo: Twitter/@AliyaZahrani

7. Wait a minute, what is the meaning of this request?

Kang Ojol has typos from various sources

photo: Twitter/@edogawaaw

8. You're even playing Mami Papaian.

Kang Ojol has typos from various sources

photo: Twitter/@ajks

9. What are you doing in the toilet, bro?

Kang Ojol has typos from various sources

photo: Facebook/@ceritaojol

10. Even though it's only one letter different.

Kang Ojol has typos from various sources

photo: Instagram/@lambeonline

11. What do you mean by delivery, right?

kang ojolnya typo  various sources

photo: Instagram/@lambeonline

Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.