
Wise words about the greatness of Allah SWT can also increase your spirituality and religiosity.

  15 April 2024 23:28 - As Muslims , of course you are familiar with all the perfection and power that Allah SWT has. You can see the greatness and everything He created in every inch around you. How something can be created, even though logical statements cannot describe it.

The universe, fauna and flora life throughout the galaxy have all been designed in such a way by Allah SWT. One way to strengthen your faith so that it becomes stronger is by reading various collections of wise words about the greatness of Allah SWT.

Wise words about the greatness of Allah SWT are a collection of various words containing meaningful and wise quotes about the greatness of Allah SWT. By reading it carefully, it is hoped that you can strengthen your devotion to Him.

Apart from that, wise words about the greatness of Allah SWT can also increase your spirituality and religiosity. Here are 100 wise words about the greatness of Allah SWT, which make your faith stronger, summarized by from various sources, Monday (15/4).

Wise words about the greatness of Allah SWT, deepening devotion to Him

100 Wise words about the greatness of Allah SWT  2024


1. "Allah, the Exalted One, controls the universe and everything in it."

2. "God's greatness is limitless, incomparable, and immeasurable."

3. "In His majesty, everything that exists bows and prostrates itself."

4. "Allah, the Most Exalted, controls the universe and everything in it."

5. "God's goodness is abundant, infinite, and unfathomable."

6. "In His creation, perfect wisdom shines."

7. "He is the Most Merciful Who always answers the prayers of His servants."

8. "The greatness of Allah is reflected in the harmony of the universe."

9. "Every creation of His shows incomparable beauty."

10. "Every creature testifies to His greatness by its existence."

11. "His power overcomes everything visible and hidden."

12. "His greatness illuminates the path for those who seek His guidance."

13. "In His majesty, there is eternal peace."

14. "His greatness is reflected in His matchless justice."

15. "In all things, submission to Him is the key to happiness."

16. "Everything He wills will happen, as beautiful as His decree."

17. "Allah, the perfect Creator of all things, amazes the hearts that seek Him."

18. "In every second, His grace flows endlessly."

19. "In His mercy, the door of forgiveness is opened for those who repent."

20. "In all calamities, steadfastness in facing trials is a sign of faith in Him."

21. "His greatness creates generosity for those in need."

22. "In His wisdom, there is guidance for those who seek the truth."

23. "Allah, the All-Knowing, knows everything hidden and visible."

24. "His greatness shines in every holy verse that was revealed."

25. "Allah, the Creator, provides a way for those who have gone astray to return."

Wise words about the greatness of Allah SWT, suitable as a reminder of His greatness

100 Wise words about the greatness of Allah SWT  2024


26. "In His gentleness, there is hidden strength that strengthens weak hearts."

27. "His greatness covers all that exists with unquenchable beauty."

28. "In His majesty, there are wondrous wonders."

29. "Allah, the Most Merciful, gives unlimited love to His servants."

30. "In His justice, there are rewards for those who do good."

31. "Allah, the Most Just, determines a suitable reward for every action."

32. "In all events, His wisdom directs the steps of His servant."

33. "His greatness is reflected in the stunning beauty of nature"

34. "In His perfection, there is peace for those who surrender."

35. "Allah, the Owner of Everything, gives blessings to those who are grateful."

36. "In His wisdom, there is guidance for those who seek the truth."

37. "Allah, the Most Merciful, gives strength to the weak."

38. "In all miracles, there are undeniable signs of His greatness."

39. "Allah, the All-Hearing, answers the sincere prayers of His servants."

40. "In every event, Allah shows His infinite power."

41. "His greatness gives hope to those who feel lost."

42. "In His perfection, there is enchanting beauty."

43. "His greatness creates calm in every heart that seeks Him."

45. "In His love, there is forgiveness for those who sincerely repent."

46. "In His sincerity, there is light for the lost."

47. "His greatness creates steadfastness for those who believe in Him."

48. "In every step, His presence gives strength to those who believe."

49. "In His perfection, there is peace for those who seek Him."

50. "In all trials, His strength is a support for those who fall."

Wise words about the greatness of Allah SWT, a reminder of His power

100 Wise words about the greatness of Allah SWT  2024


51. "Allah, the Most Merciful, gives goodness to all His creatures."

52. "His greatness is reflected in His perfect wisdom."

53. "In all uncertainty, God gives trust to those who trust."

54. "Allah, the All-Knowing, guides those who seek His way."

55. "His greatness creates wonder in every change."

56. "Allah, the Most Forgiving, gives opportunity to those who repent."

57. "His greatness radiates in every goodness spread on earth."

58. "In His justice, there is mercy for those who ask for forgiveness."

59. "In His simplicity, there is immeasurable wisdom."

60. "Allah, the All-Wise, gives guidance to those who seek Him."

61. "In all difficulties, His presence gives hope to those who believe."

62. "His greatness is reflected in His extraordinary creation."

63. "Allah, the All-Knowing, guides the lost."

64. "In all uncertainty, His strength gives peace to those who believe."

65. "In the beauty of nature, there is an indelible reflection of His majesty."

66. "His greatness teaches patience for those who face trials."

67. "In all difficulties, His presence provides protection for those who believe."

68. "In His sincerity, there is infinite goodness."

69. "In all perfection, His incomparable beauty shines forth."

70. "In all uncertainty, faith in Him is a strong fortress."

71. "His greatness shines forth in every one of His wondrous creations."

72. "In His kindness, there is abundant blessing for the grateful."

73. "Allah, the Most Merciful, always gives His love to His servants."

74. "His greatness is reflected in every grace He bestows."

75. "In every step, His presence gives strength to the believer."

Wise words about the greatness of Allah SWT, strengthening faith when the soul begins to waver

100 Wise words about the greatness of Allah SWT  2024


76. "His greatness teaches patience for those who face trials."

77. "In His justice, there is mercy for those who ask for forgiveness."

78. "His greatness radiates in every act of wisdom."

79. "In all events, His wisdom directs the steps of His servants."

80. "Allah, the Creator, gives mercy to those who surrender."

81. "His greatness is reflected in the enchanting beauty of nature."

82. "In every good thing, there is His immeasurable love."

83. "Allah, the All-Knowing, guides those who sincerely seek Him."

84. "In all uncertainty, His presence gives hope to those who believe."

85. "Allah, the Owner of Everything, provides a way for the lost to return."

86. "In uncertainty, His presence gives peace to the believer."

87. "In all uncertainty, His presence provides protection for the believer."

88. "Allah, the Most Forgiving, gives opportunity to those who repent."

89. "His greatness teaches patience to those who face trials."

90. "Allah, the Most Compassionate, always gives His love to His servants."

91. "His greatness is reflected in each of His amazing creations."

92. "In all difficulties, His presence gives hope to those who believe."

93. "In every step, His strength gives courage to those who believe."

94. "His greatness is reflected in his every act of love."

95. "In all calamities, His strength is a support for those who fall."

96. "In every good thing, there is His immeasurable love."

97. "In all perfection, His incomparable beauty shines forth."

98. "In His goodness, there is abundant blessing for the grateful."

99. "His greatness radiates in every action of His wisdom."

100. "In all events, His wisdom directs the steps of His servants."

(Mgg/Zidan Fajri)

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