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Bullying quotes have an important role in providing education and anticipation for anyone.

  6 Mei 2024 22:25

Brilio.net - Have you ever encountered bullying behavior around you? Usually this behavior leaves trauma for those who experience it. Not a few people call out bullying quotes as a strong warning and action to reject bullying behavior, whether in the educational environment or outside of it. Bullying quotes have an important role in providing education and anticipation for anyone.

There are many bullying quotes that you can use to provide information and an invitation not to carry out acts of bullying. You can find bullying quotes on social media or posters on the walls of educational institutions. However, you can also make your own version of bullying quotes, the important thing is to have information and a goal to stop bullying.

If you are still curious and confused about what kind of bullying quotes are suitable for sharing on social media or in person, this time brilio.net has summarized them from various sources. Here are 100 bullying quotes full of meaning, suitable for stopping bullying, Monday (6/5).

Bullying quotes full of meaning.

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1. "Give others a reason to smile, not to cry."

2. "True strength is protecting the weak, not oppressing them."

3. "Don't let other people's hatred poison your heart. Give love as the medicine."

4. "We are all unique in our own way. Let's appreciate differences and empathize."

5. "When we help others, we strengthen ourselves."

6. "You don't need to put others down to feel better about yourself."

7. "Kindness will always be stronger than violence."

8. "No matter how difficult the world is, never be part of the evil that destroys others."

9. "When you choose to do good, you have defeated evil."

10. "Choose to be kind, even when others are bad."

11. "Everyone deserves respect and to be treated well."

12. "When we unite against evil, good will triumph."

13. "Don't let harsh words destroy the goodness in you."

14. "When we spread love, we improve the world."

15. "When you stand up for the weak, you show true courage."

16. "You are stronger than you think. Be a hero to those in need."

17. "Nothing fails if we dare to stand against evil."

18. "You are valuable, and no one can take away your value."

19. "When we forgive, we build peace."

20. "When we choose to understand, we change the world into a better place."

21. "Differences are not a reason to hurt. Be someone who unites, not separates."

22. "When we choose kindness, we choose to live with meaning."

23. "Every small act of kindness has a big impact."

24. "Courage is not only daring to face danger, but also fighting injustice."

25. "Don't let bullying change who you are. Be the light in the midst of the darkness."

Inspirational bullying quotes.

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26. "When we choose to be enablers, not suppressors, we build a better world for all."

27. "When you spread kindness, the world will welcome it with love."

28. "Everyone deserves respect and kindness, no matter who they are."

29. "Be a strong protector of the weak, not a hurtful enemy."

30. "When we unite against violence, we strengthen the love in our hearts."

31. "Kindness is the best investment for a better future."

32. "Let your goodness shine brighter than the darkness that tries to get in the way."

33. "Your kind gesture can touch someone's heart and change the world."

34. "Never underestimate the power of kind words. They have the power to heal."

35. "Helping one person won't change the world, but it can change the world for that person."

36. "When we choose to respect, we build bridges to peace."

37. "Respect differences, because that is what makes us unique."

38. "True courage is protecting the weak and giving voice to the unheard."

39. "When we choose to be a pillar of support, we change someone's life."

40. "Don't let harsh words hinder the goodness within you."

41. "When we lift each other up, we all rise together."

42. "You are a hero who can make a difference with one act of kindness."

43. "When we are united in love, hate has no place to survive."

44. "Respect and accept everyone unconditionally."

45. "When you see goodness, become part of it."

46. "When we have the courage to stand up, we give others the courage to stand up too."

47. "Dispel the darkness with the light of your kindness."

48. "When we respect each other, we create a more peaceful world."

49. "Be someone who shows the way with kindness, not drags with violence."

50. "When we prioritize empathy, we build supportive communities."

Bullying wise quotes.

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51. "When we realize your value and the value of everyone around you, there will be no room for bullying."

52. "When we choose to speak softly, we build bridges to understanding."

53. "Virtue is a language that can be understood by everyone, wherever they are."

54. "The brave are those who dare to fight injustice with love and kindness."

55. "Don't let hatred extinguish the light of goodness in you."

56. "When we dare to give voice to the unheard, we give meaning to their lives."

57. "When we love others, we realize the true meaning of life."

58. "Appreciate each individual because they are a valuable part of this life."

59. "When we respect each other, we embrace the beauty of differences."

60. "Be a source of inspiration to those who need encouragement and love."

61. "When we refuse to be complicit in bullying, we choose to be part of the solution."

62. "Eliminate fear with love and understanding."

63. "True courage is protecting the weak without hurting the strong."

64. "Never let cruelty replace kindness in your actions."

65. "When we choose kindness, we show the way to true peace."

66. "Every act of kindness brings hope for a brighter day."

67. "Be the bringer of light in the darkness that tries to spread fear."

68. "Respect each individual because they have different stories and struggles."

69. "When we choose to forgive, we make room for healing."

70. "Don't let harsh words destroy the attraction of goodness in you."

71. "When we stand together, nothing can stop the tide of love and understanding."

72. "Every child deserves a safe environment to learn and grow."

73. "When we choose to build, we fight destruction."

74. "Believe that good will always overcome evil."

75. "Be an inspiring hero with your small acts of kindness."

Bullying quotes full of motivation.

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76. "Nothing can damage your self-esteem unless you allow it." - Eleanor Roosevelt

77. "Rise stronger than ever. Let today's hardships become tomorrow's strengths."

78. "Let the wounds of the past be the fuel for your growth and transformation."

79. "You are stronger than you think. Shine even in the darkness."

80. "Believe in yourself. You have the power to change your destiny."

81. "Failure is part of the process to success. Never give up."

82. "Your life has value. Don't let bad experiences get in the way of your dreams."

83. "Be the hero of your own life story. Fight evil with good."

84. "The most important thing is how you get up after falling. Be ready to stand up again."

85. "Be gentle with yourself. You deserve to be happy and successful."

86. "No one can stop you except you. Be the decider of your fate."

87. "Life is a journey. Accept challenges as part of your growth."

88. "Mistakes are the best teachers. Learn and move forward."

89. "You have extraordinary potential. Use it wisely."

90. "Anything worthwhile takes time and effort. Be patient and keep trying."

91. "Avoid carrying the burden of the past. Focus on a brighter future."

92. "Don't be afraid to fail. A failure is a step towards success."

93. "Be kind to yourself. You deserve love and appreciation."

94. "Remain humble in the face of success and steadfast in the face of failure."

95. "True courage is rising every time you fall. Keep moving forward."

96. "Your dreams are valuable. Work diligently and stay enthusiastic."

97. "Every struggle has a happy ending if you don't give up."

98. "Keep believing in your abilities. You are stronger than the odds."

99. "Be an example to those experiencing difficulties. Show that there is a way out."

100. "Get up and keep fighting. The world is waiting for you to show your potential."

Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.