This text usually contains a funny story or satire that contains a moral message.

  19 September 2024 04:20 - Anecdotal text is one type of text that is often studied in grade 10. This text usually contains a funny story or satire that contains a moral message. To help students understand anecdotal text, here are 10 examples of multiple-choice anecdotal text questions along with their answers that are in accordance with the linguistic rules of anecdotal text.

Question 1: Read the following anecdote text!

"A teacher asked his student, 'What would you do if you found money on the street?' The student replied, 'I would return it to its owner.' The teacher smiled and said, 'Very good. But what if you don't know who it belongs to?' The student replied, 'I would keep it until someone confesses.'"

Question: What is the moral message of the anecdote text above? A. Honesty is the main thing. B. Saving money is the right thing to do. C. Teachers should always smile. D. Students should always be obedient.

Answer: A. Honesty is the most important thing.

Question 2: Read the following anecdote text!

"A doctor asked his patient, 'What brought you here?' The patient replied, 'I came because I'm sick, Doc.' The doctor smiled and said, 'Then you've come to the right place.'"

Question: What makes this text fall into the category of anecdote text? A. Contains humor and satire. B. Contains scientific facts. C. Contains statistical data. D. Contains fictional stories.

Answer: A. Contains humor and satire.

Question 3: Read the following anecdote text!

"A student asked his teacher, 'Why do we have to learn mathematics?' The teacher replied, 'So that you can calculate how much money you spend on snacks.'"

Question: What is the purpose of the anecdote text above? A. To entertain and provide satire. B. To provide scientific information. C. To convey statistical data. D. To explain procedures.

Answer: A. Entertaining and providing satire.

Question 4: Read the following anecdote text!

"A little boy asked his mother, 'Mom, why is the sky blue?' His mother replied, 'Because when it's red, it's called a sunset.'"

Question: What makes this text funny? A. The answer is not in accordance with the question. B. The answer is very scientific. C. The answer is very serious. D. The answer is very long.

Answer: A. An answer that does not match the question.

Question 5: Read the following anecdote text!

"A man asked his friend, 'Why are you always late?' His friend replied, 'Because I want to make sure everyone is ready to hear me.'"

Question: What is the moral message of the anecdote text above? A. The importance of punctuality. B. The importance of preparation. C. The importance of listening. D. The importance of humor.

Answer: A. The importance of punctuality.

Question 6: Read the following anecdote text!

"A student asked his teacher, 'Why do we have to study history?' The teacher replied, 'So that you know that the same mistakes do not need to be repeated.'"

Question: What is the purpose of the anecdote text above? A. To provide moral lessons. B. To convey historical information. C. To explain learning procedures. D. To convey statistical data.

Answer: A. Providing moral lessons.

Question 7: Read the following anecdote text!

"A child asked his father, 'Dad, why do we have to work?' His father replied, 'So we can buy the toys you want.'"

Question: What makes this text fall into the category of anecdote text? A. Contains humor and satire. B. Contains scientific facts. C. Contains statistical data. D. Contains fictional stories.

Answer: A. Contains humor and satire.

Question 8: Read the following anecdote text!

"A student asked his teacher, 'Why do we have to learn Indonesian?' The teacher replied, 'So that you can read and write well.'"

Question: What is the moral message of the anecdote text above? A. The importance of learning a language. B. The importance of reading. C. The importance of writing. D. The importance of humor.

Answer: A. The importance of learning languages.

Question 9: Read the following anecdote text!

"A man asked his friend, 'Why do you always eat at the same restaurant?' His friend replied, 'Because I have memorized the menu and prices.'"

Question: What makes this text funny? A. The answer is not in accordance with the question. B. The answer is very scientific. C. The answer is very serious. D. The answer is very long.

Answer: A. An answer that does not match the question.

Question 10: Read the following anecdote text!

"A child asked his mother, 'Mom, why do we have to sleep?' His mother replied, 'So that you can have sweet dreams.'"

Question: What is the purpose of the anecdote text above? A. To entertain and provide satire. B. To provide scientific information. C. To convey statistical data. D. To explain procedures.

Answer: A. Entertaining and providing satire.

By understanding examples of linguistic rules of anecdotal texts through the questions above, students are expected to be able to more easily identify and understand anecdotal texts. These questions can also be used as practice materials to improve anecdotal text analysis skills. Hopefully this article is useful for 10th grade students in studying anecdotal texts.
