100 The words of Umar bin Khattab are full of deep messages and life motivation
Sasa has been fighting stunting for four years, now he is training Posyandu cadres to be the front guard
14 The danger of feeding babies before the age of 6 months is that it can cause sudden death syndrome
There are various pregnancy programs to get a baby, IVF is one of them
The response of mountain climbers when these leaves are applied makes them wake up, there is no doubt about their benefits
Part time working as a driver in the United States, Uya Kuya revealed his son's income
His latest portraits have succeeded in making people curious, here are 11 portraits of Nino Kuya from childhood until now
7 This latest portrait of Nino Kuya while studying in the United States is stunning, praised like a foreigner
No need to use antiperspirant, here's how to get rid of sour body odor using 2 types of leaves
It turns out you can get rid of underarm odor using facial soap, this man shows how to apply it
No need for deodorant anymore, this is a way to get rid of sour body odor using only 1 type of leaf
The unpleasant smell disappears, these 5 doctor-recommended food ingredients can get rid of sour body odor
To make Nina Zatulini's face dull-free, here's how to make a skin brightening scrub using coffee grounds
Marrying a mining entrepreneur now has a luxury house, 9 photos of Nina Zatulini's kitchen with a separate stove area
Someone is Bhayangkari's mother, here are 9 portraits of Dono's past and present 'lover' at Warkop DKI
Sarah in Love Ends Happily is apparently the daughter of a legendary actress, take a peek at 11 old portraits
Competing with the late Nani Wijaya, these are 9 old moments of Ahmad Dhani in the soap opera Bajaj Bajuri
Without chemical remover, this trick to remove fake nails without damaging your nails only relies on 1 baby product.
Instead of using acetone, this trick to quickly remove nail polish only requires 1 baby product.
[QUIZ] Add these 7 foods to your diet and get healthy hair, skin and nails. Check here!
Not only used to clean plaque and tartar, this is another function of toothpaste to beautify nails