Anonymous’ first strike: replacing ISIS web with Viagra advertisement
One of the world’s biggest fortress is in Indonesia!
Purworejo Landslide Exposes Ancient Temple That Could Outdo Borobudur
Massive monument discovered in Jordan
Mysterious downfall of the great Mayan civilization is revealed
A 3500 year-old sunken town was discovered in Croatia
This Incredible Indonesian Food Stand Caters To the Hearing Impaired
This insanely detailed mini photo studio will leave you breathless
This insanely detailed Boeing 777 replica made of manila folders
Accessories made from cocoons are the height of fashion in Jogja
9 Photos Of Idul Fitri Celebrations In The Past
9 Photos Of Local Regents During The Colonial Era
These 8 Old Photos Uncover The Other Side Of Soekarno
8 Rare Pictures Of Moh. Hatta
5 young and hot Indonesian athletes, perfect for your workout partner!
The lyrics of the song Anak Nek Myangku, teach the history of Indonesia as a maritime nation
October 1st is commemorated as Pancasila Sanctity Day, this is the meaning and history behind it
5 Examples of short historical narrative texts, understand the definition, function and format
11 Examples of short historical texts complete with meaning, function and type
Indonesian tribe Batak has math applied in their sculpturing ornaments
The royal mummies of Peru call you to visit their breathtaking home
Laptop may have existed since the time of Ancient Greek
The legendary book of confidential Indonesian communications