foto: dok. Paragon Pictures

This trailer shows an exorcist scene involving the characters Father Rendra and Father Thomas

  7 Agustus 2024 16:18 - Indonesian horror films get a new touch through 'Kuasa Gelap', the latest work from Paragon Pictures and Ideosource Entertainment. Under the direction of director Bobby Prasetyo, this film tells a true story with an exorcist theme that has never been shown in Indonesian cinema before.

The teaser trailer for 'Dark Power' has just been released by the two production houses. This trailer shows an exorcist scene involving the characters Father Rendra and Father Thomas, played by Lukman Sardi and Jerome Kurnia. Through the teaser trailer, it shows that 'Kuasa Gelap' will be a different horror that has never been seen in Indonesian cinema.

Dark Power film  2024

photo: doc. Paragon Pictures

Exorcism is a ritual of exorcism in the Catholic religion. When Kayla (Lea Ciarachel) experienced possession, Father Rendra and Father Thomas performed the exorcism ritual as usual. but it turns out Kayla's case is more serious than it seems. Maya (Astrid Tiar), Kayla's mother, who has a dark past, is thought to have played a role in the increasingly complicated case of this possession.

This case of possession becomes more serious when the demon inside Kayla's body not only threatens Kayla's life but also the lives of Maya and her friends. The horror film 'Kuasa Gelap' stars Lukman Sardi, Jerome Kurnia, Astrid Tiar, Lea Ciarachel, Freya JKT48, and Delia Husein. 'Dark Power' was produced by Robert Ronny, Andi Boediman, Pandu Birantoro, and Arvin Sutedja. This film will be released in theaters on October 3, 2024.

photo: doc. Paragon Pictures

Producer of the horror film 'Kuasa Gelap' Robert Ronny admitted that since watching the film 'The Exorcist', he dreamed of watching an Indonesian horror film with a Catholic exorcism theme. After conducting extensive research and attending an exorcism workshop with a Catholic priest who was recognized as an exorcist by the Vatican, they received full support from the Indonesian Catholic Church.

"Hopefully the film 'Kuasa Gelap', which explores the ritual of exorcism in the Catholic religion, will make the Indonesian horror genre richer and more relevant for all audiences," he was quoted as saying by from a press release, Wednesday (7/8).

Meanwhile, director Bobby Prasetyo admitted that he created a tense and authentic atmosphere through the real experience of exorcism in Indonesia.

"I am sure this film will provide a new and thrilling horror experience for the audience. he said.

Come on, follow the latest information about the horror film 'Kuasa Gelap' via the official Instagram accounts and
