Choosing the color of your clothes is one way to express yourself and increase your self-confidence. SEE MORE...
Powerful trick to make dirty yellow clothes white again like new, just use 1 kitchen ingredient
How to restore the color of dull clothes to be shiny again with a capital of Rp. 3 thousand, just add 1 kitchen ingredient
Without vinegar or fabric softener, here's how to wash towels so they're always soft and brightly colored.
No wonder they quickly become dull and yellow, it turns out white clothes have to be washed with this trick
This practical trick for washing clothes that have been spilled with oil only requires compressing them using 2 kitchen ingredients.
Yellow stains on the armpits of clothes are hard to remove? Here's a trick to clean them without any traces using 2 kitchen ingredients
This young mother's method for removing black stains on her shirt collar is to use just one kitchen ingredient, without bleach.
An easy way to remove yellow turmeric stains from clothes, clean without residue, only 3 kitchen ingredients