Thanks to being a Seblak ambassador, Rafael Tan was able to buy a three-story house SEE MORE...
Thought to be family but maids abuse children to the point of bruising, Aghnia Punjabi asks for justice
While holding back tears, Tyas Mirasih expressed Nagita Slavina's kindness when her mother was hospitalized
9 Moments of Faishal Tanjung's 27th birthday, Sheila Dara's sister, Nadin Amizah and the compact family gave a surprise
Desta's new house is now occupied by Natasha Rizky, take a peek at 11 photos of her kitchen which has a secret pantry
Living in a villa-style residence in Africa, these 9 portraits of Maia Estianty's bathroom are equipped with central AC
9 Portrait of Icha Annisa's kitchen, which has a minimalist design, often cramped to prepare food ingredients
Convert the bathroom into a kitchen, 9 photos of Sahila Hisyam's cooking area, small but aesthetic
The makeup styles of 15 celebrities before and after being famous, Syahrini's sleek look is now elegant
Wearing clothes that cost as much as a motorbike, these 7 portraits of Helena Lim when she was arrested on suspicion of a corruption case have drawn criticism
Harvey Moeis is caught in a corruption case, Sandra Dewi's old confession of being afraid of being reprimanded by God is in the spotlight
Known as a humble artist even though her husband is rich, here are 4 confessions from Sandra Dewi who doesn't like showing off her wealth
Sopyan Dado, the supporting actor in Tukang Ojek Pengkolan, dies, here are 7 old portraits of him when he was acting
Having a rich husband who is a mining entrepreneur, here are 7 portraits of Sandra Dewi's luxury
Sopyan Dado, a Pengkolan motorcycle taxi driver, died of a heart attack at the age of 51
5 Sandra Dewi's story about Harvey Moeis, praises that her husband is patient and never makes demands
The acting vacuum is now a skincare boss, these 10 portraits of Rizky Ananda Musa's kitchen have full custom furniture
Called asking for custody and child support from Ria Ricis, Teuku Ryan's party provided clarification
His house is full of used items, 9 portraits of Dwi Sasono's garden are maintained using compost from personal waste
His appearance while live on TikTok was criticized as getting thinner, Bisma, former SMASH, revealed the reason
Denying the accusation of keeping Loly away from her mother, Vadel said he had taken his girlfriend home to meet her family
Rachel Vennya was annoyed and panicked that her pet cat was sick and emaciated, this was Okin's response
Saying she wanted to stop playing soap operas, Ranty Maria's face on camera during this interview made netizens nervous
4 month old baby has a room, these 9 portraits of Aurel Hermansyah's child Azura's bedroom have a cool design
Build an industrial themed house like a cafe, these 9 portraits of Nycta Gina's room go up the stairs straight to the bed
Minimalist with minimal furniture, take a peek at 7 portraits of the kitchen in Jesse Choi and Maudy Ayunda's apartment
Nikita Mirzani removes tattoo on back, serious sign of marriage to Prabowo's aide?
11 This portrait of Rigen's house has a modern minimalist design, there is a sofa as a gift from Denny Cagur
Accused of buying a luxury car for her mother from donations, this is Livy Renata's explanation
11 The moment Verrell Bramasta was given the thanksgiving title of being able to qualify for Senayan, his aura was praised like a council member
Cindy Fatikasari's son admitted that he was surprised that his parents would live in Canada, and had a special request
Just returned a debt of IDR 34 million from IDR 90 million, this is the reason Lolly received an endorsement from online gambling
10 Moments celebrating BCL's 41st birthday with orphans, with an Arabian concept and full of warmth
The construction was never completed until neighbors protested. Here are 11 portraits of Ayu Dewi's new residential design
Known for strictly guarding her baby's privacy, Indah Permatasari finally revealed her child's name
Admitting that she had children before marriage, 11 moments of closeness between Kiky Saputri and her daughter
This moment of the artist's struggle behind filming the event after sahur actually made netizens struggle with their fate
Reaching a turnover of IDR 1 billion from two hours of live TikTok, these are the 4 sources of wealth for skincare boss Mira Hayati
The building of the house was never finished until the neighbors protested because it made them anxious, this was Ayu Dewi's response
The portrait of Amanda Manopo appearing in a hijab on TikTok, netizens are so interested that they say she looks like this artist
Like twins from different generations, these 9 portraits of Sule's youth are the same as Rizky Febian's
It hasn't been purchased for a year, here are 9 portraits of the late Stevie Agnecya's luxurious new house equipped with an elevator
Having clashed over song royalties, Inara Rusli and Virgoun chose to take a peaceful path
Officially leaving her widow status, here are 5 moments from Chantal Della Concetta's marriage to a Caucasian man in Australia
9 Portrait of the kitchen of Maudy Ayunda's in-laws' house in the United States, the design is old school but luxurious
Portrait of the luxury home of 7 skincare bosses after success, Tri Wahyuni's bathroom is equipped with an LED TV
7 Memorable portraits of the late Stevie Agnecya and her husband who is a pilot, their togetherness makes you emotional
Occupying a palace-like house in the middle of rice fields, 11 portraits of skincare boss Mira Hayati's residence have gold-plated clocks