Vicky has made special preparations to face the end of her life more calmly

  22 April 2024 14:20 - At the age of 40, artist Vicky Prasetyo has apparently experienced quite a big change in terms of thinking and orientation. This was proven when the man who called himself a gladiator celebrated his birthday.

Angel Lelga's ex-husband celebrated her birthday by holding a recital with orphans. The age of four is the reason for him to get closer to God.

"The age of 40 is full of worries when we are faced with God," said Vicky Prasetyo, quoted by from, Monday (22/4).

As someone who has experienced various life events, Vicky has made special preparations to face the end of his life more calmly. This step includes preparing the shroud that will cover his body when death comes.

Vicky Prasetyo's request if he dies  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@vickyprasetyo777

"I have also prepared several shrouds," he said.

Not only about the shroud, Vicky admitted that he had thought about where he would be buried. However, there is something unique about Vicky's chosen grave location. Apparently he wanted to be buried next to the grave of his first ex-wife.

"In the future, I want to be buried close to my mother and wife who want to be lined up first," he explained.

According to Vicky, these two people were very instrumental figures in his life. Moreover, his first wife was the figure who accompanied him before he became as successful as he is today.

Vicky Prasetyo's request if he dies  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@vickyprasetyo777

"My first wife has made a lot of contributions to my life. When I reflect back on my past before becoming the Vicky Prasetyo that many people know, she was always there. I feel I have hurt her in various ways," added Vicky.

Not only that, the man who was reportedly close to Marshanda has also prepared everything his children will need in the future. He reasoned that he didn't want to bother other people when he died.

"I'm starting to prepare a permanent home , yes, in the name of all the children. Then there are also businesses for the children," he explained.

"So if one day, I have given you a message long ago, it won't be a problem for many people," added Vicky.

Vicky Prasetyo's request if he dies  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@vickyprasetyo777

At a young age, Vicky chose to focus on collecting lots of charities and doing good deeds. Even so, it cannot be denied that he still wants to return to building his household as well as possible.

Vicky realized that he had repeatedly failed at marriage. However, he admitted that he had learned a lot from previous failures. Actors in the film Whispering the Ghosts of Former People no longer have special criteria. He only wants a woman who can accept him as he is. Vicky also tries to be more mature and become a better person.

Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.