Not only the design, the kitchen furniture is also very simple, typical of ordinary people.

  4 Agustus 2024 14:00

Virgiawan Leistanto alias Iwan Fals is one of Indonesia's famous musicians who never leaves the spotlight. His prestige seems to be timeless because people always remember his bold musical works.

Successfully building spectacular musical works since the 1980s and earning quite a large income from his albums, Iwan Fals and his wife allocated their income to buy land and then build a house.

The residence is not as luxurious as a gedongan residence, but has an area of up to 2 hectares. On such a large land, it is not only his residence but also a concert area that can accommodate five thousand people.

The residence, which is located in Leuwinanggung Village, Cimanggis, Depok, has a natural feel surrounded by tall trees. Apart from the stage area for the event, an area that is no less interesting is the kitchen of the house. Iwan Fals' kitchen is fairly simple with tile walls.

Iwan Fals' kitchen area is not only a cooking area for the family but also a dining area for his employees. In this kitchen, all employees are free to eat for free which is served by the kitchen team. So what does the kitchen of Iwan Fals' house look like?

Come on, take a peek at 9 portraits of Iwan Fals' kitchen with simple tile walls as summarized by from the Gen 98.7 FM YouTube channel, Sunday (4/8).


Right in front of the kitchen there is a mangosteen terrace. Relaxation area for family and Iwan Fals employees.

 2024 YouTube
