Situated in the middle of a garden on a hill, the building appears to be neglected.

  19 September 2024 08:10

For fans of the soap opera Preman Pensiun, the character Emak is certainly familiar. In the story, Emak is a figure respected by Kang Mus because she is his mother-in-law. Emak herself is played by senior actress Isye Sumarni. Her figure is not only known for her roles on the screen, but has also been active in politics.

Isye Sumarni is a former politician who served as a member of the Bandung City DPRD from 1971 to 1978. Born and raised in Bandung, Isye once owned a house in Sumedang Regency. However, the condition of the house now leaves a sad story.

Isye Sumarni's house, which used to be a place to rest and gather with family, has now been abandoned for more than 15 years. Located in the middle of a garden on a hill, the building looks neglected and most of the surrounding area is starting to be covered by bushes.

The following is a portrait of Isye Sumarni's house which has been abandoned for dozens of years, summarized by from YouTube Aziz Nurahman, Thursday (19/9).


From the front, it looks like the house has not been inhabited for quite a long time. However, when viewed, the shape of the house is quite unique and has a natural atmosphere because it is located in a hilly area.

 YouTube/Aziz Nurahman
