
The mop must be washed thoroughly (deep clean) to remove stubborn stains.

  16 Juli 2024 22:00

Mops that are used every day must be well cared for to keep them clean. Not without reason, a dirty mop will make the mopping process less than optimal. Instead of being clean and fragrant, floors that are mopped with a dirty cloth tend to become slippery or even smelly.

However, it cannot be denied that a mop that is used continuously can get dirty because lots of stains stick to it. With use, this mop even becomes dirty and smells fishy. Therefore, the mop must be washed thoroughly (deep clean) to remove these stubborn stains.

Luckily, an Instagram user @intanwisari once shared a simple trick for washing fishy and dirty mops . Through one of the uploaded videos, he admitted that he relied on three kitchen ingredients. Reported by BrilioFood from the Instagram account @intanwisari on Tuesday (16/7), the kitchen ingredients in question are salt, baking soda and dishwashing soap.


Basically, these three kitchen ingredients have an important role in making the mop shinier. Salt has abrasive properties that can help remove dirt and stains stuck to the mop fibers. On the other hand, baking soda baking soda has the ability to remove odors. This is different from dish washing soap which contains surfactants. Surfactants are very effective in breaking down oil, grease and food residue stuck to the mop. Then the hot water mixture will increase the effectiveness of these three kitchen ingredients. Hot water can also be more effective at dissolving the fat that causes odor on mops.

