
When scale and grease block the flame or clog the ventilation holes.

  3 Oktober 2024 21:00

A crusty and oily stove burner is a common kitchen problem. Accumulated crust and oil not only make the stove look dirty and unsightly, but can also affect the performance of the stove itself. When crust and oil block the flame or clog the ventilation holes, the cooking process can be disrupted and even pose a fire hazard.

The main cause of crust and oil on the stove burner is spilled food and oil that is not immediately cleaned after cooking. Over time, these food residues will burn and turn into crust that is difficult to remove. The same goes for oil that splashes when frying. If not cleaned immediately, these stains will form a thick, sticky layer and harden.

Cleaning the stove burner from scale and oil requires patience and the right method. Many people use harsh chemical cleaners, but this method can damage the surface of the stove and emit an unpleasant odor. On the other hand, there is a natural method that is safer and more effective, such as that done by Instagram user @euester.vieira. Through one of the videos uploaded, he claimed to be able to clean fat and scale on the stove burner in one wipe.


As reported by BrilioFood from Instagram @euester.vieira on Wednesday (2/10), the first thing to do is prepare a bucket filled with water. Then put detergent or dishwashing soap into it. Use enough soap to dissolve all the stains stuck to the stove burner.

