Who would have thought, these artists were soulmates with their school friends, some were even in the same class.

  14 Agustus 2024 09:49

Fate cannot be predicted like a mystery seems to be the right sentence to describe the love journey of celebrities. Never expecting it before, these celebrities finally landed with their school friends .

Some have been in love since they were in school, but there are also those who were reunited after being separated for a long time. Their love affair with their school friend ended in marriage. Until now, their household is far from negative gossip.

Not infrequently they share their old moments with their partners on their respective social media. Through their uploads, their love journey is revealed, accompanied by interesting stories. Unlike now, their old portraits are seen when they were wearing school uniforms, still shiny.

Below, brilio.net has collected from various sources on Wednesday (14/8) old portraits of celebrities marrying school friends.


3. Gritte Agatha also reminisced about her time with Arif Hidayat on her Instagram page. Not many people know that this couple, who are currently expecting their second child, have been together since high school. This portrait of the two of them when they were still in school is really cute, isn't it?

foto: Instagram/@gritteagathaa
