These twin brothers have succeeded in bringing honor to the nation on the international stage.

  28 Agustus 2024 12:20

For a long time, Rizki and Ridho have often come to the gym to train their muscles. He is also reported to have changed his lifestyle by maintaining his diet. As a result, the twin duo who graduated from the first Dangdut Academy have a strong, muscular and athletic body.

Because they have proportional bodies, finally both of them decided to take part in the International bodybuilding competition in Singapore entitled FIF World Championship 2024. Who would have thought, the figure who used to be a singer has now succeeded in winning in the field of sports . Both Rizki and Ridho managed to win the title in different categories.

This achievement certainly makes fans salute. Not only proud of themselves, they also succeeded in making Indonesia proud. The twin duo who used to often get sarcasm from netizens are now reaping a lot of praise.

The following is a collection of portraits when Rizki and Ridho won a bodybuilding competition in Singapore. All were collected by from the Instagram accounts @da2_ridho and @da2_rizki123 on Wednesday (28/8).


Not to forget, the big thing that made both of them successful in Singapore was the blessing of their parents.

foto: Instagram/@da2_ridho
