foto: Instagram/@cutratumeyriska

Roger's understanding attitude actually made Cut even more amazed.

  27 Agustus 2024 18:25 - The love journey of Cut Meyriska and Roger Danuarta was not as beautiful as it seems now. The couple who are now husband and wife apparently went through difficult times before finally uniting in marriage.

Although now known as a harmonious couple, Cut Meyriska and Roger Danuarta have actually experienced a breakup. Their story has resurfaced, making the public curious about the twists and turns of their relationship.

In an interview on the WardahBeauty Youtube channel, Cut Meyriska opened up about those difficult times. She revealed that differences in beliefs were one of the obstacles in their relationship.

Cut Meyriska told how Roger Danuarta, who was not yet a convert at the time, was willing to end the relationship to respect Cut's parents' decision. Roger's understanding attitude actually made Cut even more amazed.

"He's so kind, if Mama says it's okay, it's okay, it's really okay," said Cut Meyriska, quoted by from WardahBeauty on Tuesday (27/8).

roger danuarta and cut meyriska once broke up  2024 Instagram

photo: Instagram/@cutratumeyriska

After breaking up, the two tried to move on. However, fate seemed to have other plans for them. Even though they had been separated for six months, they met again on the set and finally got back together.

Cut Meyriska admits that simple communication can be a trigger to rekindle a relationship. Even a simple "how are you" greeting can open up opportunities to get back together.

"Communication seems dangerous, asking 'how are you' is very dangerous," explained Cut Meyriska.

Even though they managed to get back together, their biggest challenge was getting Cut's parents' blessing. Even during the proposal, Cut's father still couldn't accept their relationship.

roger danuarta and cut meyriska once broke up  2024 Instagram

photo: Instagram/@cutratumeyriska

"Dad's proposal didn't come, I still didn't want to at that time. Dad said, 'Well, just marry my brother, represent me, Dad doesn't want to'," said Cut Meyriska, imitating her father's words.

Even so, they did not give up. Roger got help from Ustaz Felix Siauw who was an important figure who connected him with Syek Ahmad so he could convince Cut Meyriska's family.

"Ustaz Felix Masyaallah, I didn't know how to really help until I met Sheikh Ahmad. Ustaz Felix and Roger went to Medan (Cut Meyriska's hometown)," he explained.

After going through various obstacles, Cut Meyriska and Roger Danuarta finally managed to realize their dreams. They got married in 2019 and have been blessed with two children who complete the happiness of their household.
