Denise wants to close her past and start a new chapter in life by choosing the path of baptism.

  25 Juli 2024 10:25

Some people who hold firm beliefs often have a desire to study the religion they believe in more deeply. One of them is the baptism process, which is carried out mainly for Christians. The process of baptism is called baptism, carried out with water as a form of cleansing.

Being one of the important moments in life, a number of Indonesian artists have also shared their baptism process on social media. Most recently, there is Denise Chariesta . He wanted to close his past and start a new chapter in life by choosing the path of baptism.

Not only Denise, the following celebrities also underwent baptism at an adult age. After being baptized, they are defined as individuals who are born holy again and are ready to live with firm faith in God.

Are you curious about who it is and what the moment was like? Check out reviews from various sources, Thursday (25/7).


The star of the film Si Manis Jembatan Ancol, Kiky Fatmala, decided to change religions in 2019 and immediately decided to be baptized. His decision to firmly embrace Christianity began when he listened to a spiritual song at his friend's house.

