
Apart from hormonal changes, swollen feet during pregnancy can also occur because of these habits, you know.

  25 Juli 2024 03:45 - Recently, the latest appearance of Olivia Allan, Denny Sumargo's wife, attracted public attention. How could it not be, in her 9th month of pregnancy, the appearance of the woman who is familiarly called Ci Oliv seems to have undergone many changes. One of them is that the legs look swollen.

This can be seen from Denny Sumargo's upload on his Instagram Stories which shows Olivia Allan's legs looking swollen. This condition is actually common in pregnant women . According to medical experts, pregnant women experiencing swelling in their legs is not something to worry about.

Apart from that, swollen feet during pregnancy certainly interfere with daily activities. This condition generally attacks the legs, ankles, feet and fingers. This swelling in the legs is known as edema. Edema or swelling occurs due to a buildup of fluid in the body's tissues.

The accumulation of water occurs because the body produces blood and fluids more than 50 percent than usual. The goal is to meet the needs of the baby in the mother's womb. The swelling of the legs that appears during pregnancy occurs gradually. However, it does not harm the mother and fetus .

However, the feeling of discomfort remains. However, if the increase in swelling occurs suddenly, the mother must be careful because there are signs of preeclampsia (increased blood pressure and excess protein in the urine). There are three types of factors that influence swelling during pregnancy, namely baby growth, hormonal changes, and retained fluid.

Apart from that, there are also habits that trigger swelling in the legs of pregnant women. Anything? Come on, take a look at the complete review of seven habits that can cause swollen feet in pregnant women, reported by from various sources, Thursday (25/7).

1. Standing or sitting for too long.

Habits that can cause swollen feet in pregnant women  2024


Research published in the Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology Canada (2011), shows that pregnant women who stand more than 6 hours per day have a higher risk of experiencing leg swelling. This study involved 1,171 pregnant women and found that those who stood for a long time had a 1.8 times higher risk of developing edema than those who did not.

Standing or sitting in the same position for a long time can cause fluid to build up in the feet and ankles. This occurs because gravity pulls the fluid downwards, while the leg muscles are not active to pump the fluid back up.

2. Lack of exercise.

Lack of physical activity can reduce blood and lymphatic circulation which plays an important role in preventing swelling. Light exercise such as walking or swimming can help improve circulation and reduce the risk of swelling.

A meta-analysis published in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (2018) analyzed 11 studies with a total of 5,075 participants. The results show that physical activity during pregnancy significantly reduces the risk of edema. Exercise improves circulation, which helps prevent fluid buildup.

3. Consuming excessive salt.

High sodium intake can cause fluid retention in the body, including in the legs. Pregnant women who eat processed foods or fast foods that are high in salt are more likely to experience swelling.

A study in Hypertension (2013) examined the effects of sodium intake on 8,623 pregnant women. Those who consumed more than 3.7 grams of sodium per day had a 54% higher risk of developing edema than those who consumed less than 2.3 grams per day.

Research in the American Journal of Physiology-Renal Physiology (2008) explains that high sodium intake increases plasma volume and osmotic pressure, causing fluid retention in tissues.

4. Dehydration.

Habits that can cause swollen feet in pregnant women  2024


Even though it sounds trivial, lack of water can actually cause the body to retain more fluid, including in the legs. Based on the Frontiers in Nutrition Journal (2020), dehydration can activate the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system, which causes sodium and water retention to worsen swelling.

5. Consuming unhealthy food.

Pregnant women should have a balanced diet. Consuming unhealthy foods, such as foods that are high in carbohydrates and fat, and low in protein, can increase the risk of swelling. Protein is important for maintaining fluid balance in the body. How could it not be, protein is important in maintaining plasma oncotic pressure which helps keep fluid in the blood vessels.

Apart from that, the habit of drinking sweets and high caffeine is not recommended. Because, not only does it trigger swelling in the legs but it is not good for the baby. Caffeine has a diuretic effect, which causes pregnant women to urinate more, thus making the body's system 'think' to retain fluid.

6. Lack of sleep.

Insufficient or poor quality sleep can affect the body's metabolism and hormone regulation. Reporting from the Endocrinology Journal (2016) explains that lack of sleep can disrupt circadian rhythms as well as the production of hormones, including cortisol and aldosterone, which play a role in regulating body fluids.

7. Excessive stress.

Stress can cause hormonal changes that affect fluid retention in the body. The habit of letting yourself get too stressed without good stress management can make swelling worse. So, pregnant women must regulate their mood so that it is always good. Another way is to divert stress with yoga, journaling, and the like.
