foto: Instagram/@sumargodenny

Three years of waiting, Denny Sumargo and his wife's struggle through IVF was full of twists and turns.

  26 Juni 2024 20:43

Denny Sumargo and his wife, Olivia, are happily awaiting the birth of their first child. So far, their struggle to have children has been full of twists and turns. Moreover, during her last three pregnancies, Olivia experienced difficulties.

However, after all her efforts paid off, Olivia now feels more relaxed about her pregnancy. In fact, she was so relaxed that she forgot how old she was. Denny and Olivia only announced they were pregnant with their first child when they were six months pregnant.

Olivia's experience in the first trimester was also difficult, you know. He admitted that he experienced nausea and vomiting and even lost his appetite. Even so, this 38 year old woman tries to maintain her child's nutrition. Remembering that the struggle to get a baby is not easy.

Listen to the story of Denny Sumargo and his wife's journey through the IVF program compiled by from Instagram @sumargodenny on Wednesday (26/6).


Olivia Sumargo experienced three miscarriages. Not only that, he also failed to undergo the IVF program abroad. Finally, both of them decided to undergo an IVF program. When she had her first miscarriage, she was really devastated and cried for days in the room. However, when she experienced her second and third miscarriage, she was much calmer.

 2024 Instagram/@sumargodenny
