Kartika asked netizens not to attack her husband.

  21 Juni 2024 12:20

Brilio.net - Kartika Putri is back in the public spotlight, after some time ago her content was allegedly satirical about a celebrity. Karput, as he is known, is suspected of insinuating the Hajj pilgrims who create content, both videos and photos on the Grand Mosque escalator, including Raffi Ahmad and Nagita Slavina.

The escalator located at the Mecca Tower is currently viral among Indonesian pilgrims. When going down the escalator, people are presented with a view of the Grand Mosque which looks so beautiful and majestic. Therefore, many people create content on this spot.

Through an Instagram upload, Karput also asked Habib Usman to record a video while he was on the escalator. However, Habib Usman refused to carry out this request and instead called the action excessive.

"Would you like to make a video of me? I want to make content about going up the escalator. It's different if you go up the escalator here, you can have background sound la la la," said the former Pesbukers star, quoted by brilio.net from Instagram @kartikaputriworld, Friday (21/6).

"Tacky.. tacky.. that's it, bye, go home go home... village, like a villager ah, tacky, tacky, tacky!" answered the husband.

Karput continues to seduce her husband to fulfill her desire to create content. The 33 year old woman also repeated fragments of the backsound lyrics used for the content of the escalator ride.

"See, artists make things here, Bib, and content creators. Oh my gosh, Bib, so I can la la la la. I'll look at this later, look with a smile, la la la la," he said.

Kartika Putri's response was thought to be Raffi's sindiri  2024 various sources

photo: TikTok/@racun_hijab.id5

The video of Kartika Putri and Habib Usman also received scathing comments from netizens. Quite a few people reminded Karput not to keep making noises. Several netizens suspected that Karput was satirizing artists Raffi Ahmad and Nagita Slavina.

"So the artists who make videos there are tacky, right?? Hehehe," commented @queenaerna

"If you want to make content on the escalator, just make it... Ko bother. Sing it then," wrote @eliana_shanti

"Regardless of whether we have to be solemn or not, Raffi looks really like us, who just went on the Hajj so it feels like everyone wants to be in the moment, right," said @vinsensia_14

"Actually, even though the aim is not to raffi, but to insult people, saying it's tacky isn't it still not good," said @intidakramiitha

Not wanting the misunderstanding to continue, Karput finally responded. He denied that the content was deliberately created to satirize Raffi Ahmad and Nagita Slavina. Karput even argued that his relationship with the Andara sultan was very close.

"I'm slandering Mba Gigi, hahahaha, I'm really laughing. Netizens have fried comedy content!! The day I was in Makkah, I was playing in Raffi's room with Mba Gigi. I left some breast milk in Mba Gigi's refrigerator," he said on Instagram Stories @kartikaputriworld.

Kartika Putri's response was thought to be Raffi's sindiri  various sources

photo: Instagram/@kartikaputriworld

She also discussed the issue of her husband being the target of criticism from netizens. Karput felt that he and his husband were being slandered by netizens.

"Habib even shouted because he is Betawi, he didn't mean anything by saying that, and he said that to me, his wife. In fact, it was fried!!! Sad. I pray for all of you to be happy so that you don't get angry and slander other people, let alone suuzon," he closed.

Meanwhile, Raffi Ahmad or Nagita Slavina did not comment anything on this issue. The celebrity couple is currently focused on carrying out a series of Hajj pilgrimages with their family and other groups.
