Seumano Pucok is not only a sign of letting go of singleness but to clean or purify oneself.

  23 Juni 2024 07:00

After shocking netizens with her pre-wedding portrait, Beby Tsabina then held a series of processions before getting married. Of course, as a woman of Acehnese blood, when you get married the wedding procession cannot be separated from Acehnese wedding customs.

It is known that this 21 year old woman will be married to a member of the DPR, Rizki Aulia Rahman Natakusumah. Through social media, the bride and groom can be seen going through various traditional processions before the wedding, including recitation of the Koran, Peusijuek customs, and Seumano Pucok.

Yes, in Indonesia, which is thick with customs, before the wedding ceremony takes place, the bride and groom have to go through various traditional processions like what Beby Tsabina experienced. It's not surprising that Beby's traditional wedding ceremony took quite a long time. Some even last for weeks.

After the recitation, Beby Tsabina will carry out the Acehnese custom of Seumano Pucok or siraman (flower bath) for the bride and groom. Seumano Pucok is a custom that must be carried out by prospective brides and grooms in Aceh Besar district and is generally done one day before the wedding ceremony. The purpose of Seumano Pucok is not only as a sign of letting go of singlehood but to cleanse or purify oneself.

After that, continued with the Acehnese tradition of Peusijuek (plain flour). The Peusijuek tradition is an expression of gratitude to Allah SWT for all the blessings and happiness that have been given to the prospective bride and groom and their families. At this traditional event, Beby was dressed up in very charming traditional clothes.

During the procession before getting married, Beby Tsabina looked stunning, wearing a robe and traditional clothes that showed her own charm. So what did Beby Tsabina look like before this wedding? Come see more details below!
