This comes ahead of International Street Harassment Week.

  27 Maret 2017 14:40

Have you ever been catcalled when crossing the street or rubbed by a stranger on a bus? We guess that theres a fat chance that youll say yes.

Street harassment happens almost everywherethat its somehow becoming normalized by the society, with people saying it doesnt matter or dont take it seriously to most victims.

But it does matter, and that is why Hollaback! Jakarta movement is created.

Hollaback! is a global movement aiming to end harassment in public spaces powered by a network of activists. The movement has chapters in various cities, including Jakarta.

The movement provide a space for people to share their stories and support each other as well as to start public conversation about the issue. Through their website and social media accounts, you can send your stories and concerns about the issue and get published. And fret not, Hollaback! promises that their platform will be a positive place for people who needs support. Racism, transphobia and other forms of hatred will not be tolerated.

If sharing on social media is not enough for you, Hollaback! Jakarta is holding a gathering and walk this Sunday in Jakarta during the car free day hours (8 a.m. to 10 a.m.) to celebrate International Anti-Street Harassment Week.

You can come and join the crowd if you want to share your story, meet other activists and even write out your aspiration on the streets. Bring a poster or a chalk to speak out (or technicall, write out) your mind! Find more about the walk on Hollaback! Jakarta Facebook page and Twitter account.

Up Next: In Photos: International Women's Day Rally In Jakarta