foto: YouTube/bangzayub mv (HL 2: YouTube/Channel Agku)

An easy method that anyone can practice.

  2 Mei 2024 16:00 - Bed bugs are very annoying little insects. How could it not be, this type of insect often nests in mattresses and causes a number of health problems. Usually, bed bugs will bite the skin, which has the potential to cause itching, allergies, or even infection.

The causes of fleas in mattresses are very diverse. Starting from damp environmental conditions or the presence of fleas carried on clothing. Not only that, a dirty and dusty mattress can also make fleas come and nest.

So, preventing bed bug infections can be done using a number of methods. For example, by keeping the mattress clean. Apart from that, fleas that have already contaminated the mattress must be removed immediately. So, to get rid of bed bugs, some people usually wash and dry the mattress until dry.

This method can actually make the lice die or even go away by themselves. However, for some people, this method is considered complicated because it requires a lot of time and energy. Instead, you can apply the trick shared by YouTube user bangzayub mv to get rid of bed bugs.

How to get rid of bed bugs using natural ingredients.

Reported by BrilioFood from YouTube bangzayub mv, Thursday (2/5), the YouTube user admitted that he only used kitchen ingredients, namely salt and dish soap. Salt has dehydrating properties that can damage bed bugs' body components. Meanwhile, dish soap contains chemicals that can dissolve the fat and wax coating on bed bugs, making them susceptible to dehydration and death. Apart from that, dish soap can also destroy bed bugs by damaging their respiratory system.

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photo: YouTube/bangzayub mv

How to use these two ingredients is quite easy. First of all, prepare a spray bottle and fill it with enough water. After that, add salt and dish soap. Then close the bottle and shake until all the ingredients are evenly mixed.

tricks to get rid of bed bugs  YouTube

photo: YouTube/bangzayub mv

Well, this liquid can also be used directly to get rid of fleas. You simply spray the liquid evenly over all parts of the mattress. However, if there are visible lice, also spray this liquid directly.

"He (the flea) sucks in the fluid, so it dies," said YouTube bangzayub mv.

tricks to get rid of bed bugs  YouTube

photo: YouTube/bangzayub mv

This post about tricks for getting rid of bed bugs has been viewed more than 101 thousand times. Who would have thought, many other YouTube users were interested and also provided responses directly in the comments column. One netizen even admitted that someone had successfully used this trick.

"Thanks boss for sharing tips and recipes on how to get rid of bed bugs, aka empijat, which often stick to mattresses, easily and practically. Interesting tutorial," said YouTube @AbdulsCycles.

"Thanks for the great idea, " replied YouTube @anamoreira6812.

"I'll try, bro. Thank you," said YouTube @zulkarnaina.9397.

"Thanks for the tutor, I'll try it later," said YouTube user @fo3ox1gb1j.

"Really..I can't stand it..I immediately tried to was a flea attack," said YouTube @NikNik-ls7yb.

Tips to prevent the arrival of bed bugs.

Bed bugs are a common problem that can disrupt your health and sleep comfort. Here are some tips to prevent bed bugs from coming in:

1. Mattress protector.

Use an anti-bug mattress cover to prevent bed bugs from getting into the mattress and nesting in it. This cover should be made of waterproof and breathable material to make it comfortable to wear.

2. Clean regularly.

Vacuum mattresses, pillows and blankets regularly to remove dust and skin debris which is a favorite food for bed bugs.

3. Wash clothes and linens regularly.

Wash sleepwear, bed sheets, and linens at least once a week in hot water to kill any bed bugs that may be in them.

4. Dry the clothes under the sun.

Sunlight has properties that can kill bed bugs. Dry clothes and linens in direct sunlight after washing.

5. Avoid putting things on the bed.

Avoid placing items such as bags, suitcases and other items on the bed to prevent bed bugs from moving from these items to the bed.

6. Check and clean the room regularly.

Dust the bedroom regularly and check for crevices or creases in the bed, pillows and other furniture to prevent bed bugs from nesting there.

7. Use aromatherapy.

Some essential oils such as tea tree, lavender, or peppermint have properties that can repel bed bugs. Use a few drops of this essential oil in the rinse water when washing linens.

8. Consider using pesticides.

If the bed bug infestation is very severe, consider using a recommended pesticide to control the bed bug population.

9. Check hotels and other lodgings.

When staying at a hotel or other accommodation, check the bed and linens to ensure there are no signs of bed bugs before using the bed.
