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  8 Juni 2024 12:30

Brilio.net - After using it several times, usually the tip of the broom will turn dirty black. Stains on this broom should be cleaned regularly, so that it remains effective when used to sweep the floor.

Usually people choose to brush a broom with soapy water like the process of cleaning clothes or other equipment. However, the owner of the YouTube account Creative Idea Difa has another trick that is no less effective at cleaning dirty brooms even without soap, you know.

This netizen, familiarly known as Difa, explained that he needed two kitchen ingredients that are usually used when cooking to clean dirty brooms.

Before getting into the trick, first prepare a bucket or basin filled with enough clean water to soak the broom later. Then, dissolve enough vinegar and baking soda in the water. Yup, vinegar and baking soda are the main kitchen ingredients to practice this trick for cleaning a dirty broom.

Tricks for cleaning a dirty broom just use 2 kitchen ingredients  Various sources

photo: YouTube/Difa creative ideas

Apart from that, Difa explained, he also often adds a little carbolic acid or floor cleaner to this mixture. After that, stir until evenly mixed.

"Stir until the foam disappears," emphasized YouTube account user Difa's creative ideas, quoted by BrilioFood on Friday (7/6).

If all the ingredients are ready, immediately soak the dirty broom you want to clean in it. Shake the broom so that all the stains that stick to it can come off and dissolve into the water.

Tricks for cleaning a dirty broom just use 2 kitchen ingredients  Various sources

photo: YouTube/Difa creative ideas

Then, if you feel that the broom is clean enough, then rinse it with clean water until there is no more vinegar, baking soda or carbolic acid left on it. Drain, then dry the broom until dry before using it again.

Tricks for cleaning a dirty broom just use 2 kitchen ingredients  Various sources

photo: YouTube/Difa creative ideas
