foto: YouTube/Kadalwarsa Channel

This method doesn't make you tired of having to wash the entire carpet or carry it out of the house.

  17 Juni 2024 08:00 - Using carpet at home can really add to the aesthetics of the room. However, to maintain its color and quality, the carpet must be cared for properly. One way that can be done is to clean the carpet regularly so that it is free of dirt and odor.

Although in some cases, a number of stains such as traces of animal urine stuck to the carpet tend to be difficult to remove. Carpets that are stained with urine will emit a strong urine odor. Well, this smell can make the carpet musty and less comfortable to use.

So to overcome this problem, a number of people usually wash and dry the carpet in the hot sun. Exposure to sunlight is thought to cause the smell of urine to evaporate and disappear. For this reason, many people consider the drying process to be very effective in making carpets last longer.

However, apart from drying it in the sun, the smell of urine can actually be removed in other ways, you know. A YouTube user Kadalwarsa Channel once shared a trick to get rid of the smell of urine on the carpet using kitchen ingredients. Reported by BrilioFood on Thursday (13/6), the kitchen ingredient in question is table vinegar .

Steps for cleaning urine carpets using table vinegar.

Well, basically, eating vinegar can help neutralize the smell of urine. However, so that the vinegar can work optimally to eliminate odors, he also uses other ingredients, namely clothes freshener and hot water. A number of these ingredients will later be mixed together.

This trick to get rid of carpet urine smell makes it less musty  YouTube

photo: YouTube/Kadalwarsa Channel

How to use it is quite easy. Prepare hot water in a glass, then pour in a sachet of clothes freshener. If so, add enough vinegar. After that, stir all these ingredients until evenly mixed.

Next, transfer the liquid to a spray bottle. Shake it again, then it's ready to use. Directly spray this liquid onto the part of the carpet that smells of urine. You don't need too much and don't let it get wet so that the carpet doesn't get musty later.

This trick to get rid of carpet urine smell makes it less musty  YouTube

photo: YouTube/Kadalwarsa Channel

If so, dry the carpet immediately. You don't just have to dry it in the sun, you can dry the carpet by airing it using a fan. That way, the dry carpet will be more fragrant and free of the smell of urine.

Basically, vinegar has an important role in eliminating the smell of urine. Reporting from, the acetic acid content in vinegar is able to neutralize the ammonia compounds found in urine. Apart from that, vinegar also has antibacterial properties which can help kill bacteria that cause unpleasant odors.

This trick to get rid of carpet urine smell makes it less musty  YouTube

photo: YouTube/Kadalwarsa Channel

This post about tricks for getting rid of carpet urine odor has been viewed more than 21 thousand times. Who would have thought, many other YouTube users were interested and admitted that they wanted to try this trick directly. This was expressed through the video's comments column.

"Thank God, I'll try it later," said YouTube @mayaya480.

"I'll try tomorrow, bro," explained YouTube @ilhamalbirru6290.

"Thanks Ilmux," wrote the YouTube account @ipada9529.
