
Generally, a 12 kg gas cylinder can run out in less than 1 month.

  21 Agustus 2024 21:00 - Cooking is a daily activity that is inseparable from household life. But it should be noted that behind this seemingly simple activity, there is a problem that is often not realized by many people, namely the waste of gas cylinders. The use of gas that is less efficient can certainly have an impact on household costs that are swelling.

One of the main causes of wasteful use of gas when cooking is inefficient cooking techniques. Many people often use the stove carelessly when cooking. Not a few even use high heat for a long time. In fact, this can make the gas cylinder run out quickly in a matter of days.

Well, to be more economical, you can imitate the trick shared by Chef Vera Kayami. Through the Instagram account @studiobymrkitchen, this chef and cooking teacher admitted that the volume of fire used greatly affects the waste of gas cylinders. Furthermore, she suggests using a medium to small volume of fire when cooking any food.

"I cook bone broth every day for years. One gas cylinder, once cooking can be 45 liters. Then cooking the bone broth can take 18-36 hours. The gas cylinder I use is also used for cooking every day. Do you know how long it lasts? 1.5 months," explained Vera as quoted by BrilioFood from Instagram @studiobymrkitchen on Wednesday (21/8).

tricks to use gas cylinders more economically  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@studiobymrkitchen

Furthermore, Vera also admitted that she usually uses a 12 kg gas cylinder. In fact, the gas cylinder is used to cook every day without a break. If using a large fire, generally a 12 kg gas cylinder can run out in less than 1 month.

tricks to use gas cylinders more economically  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@studiobymrkitchen

Basically, high heat tends to spread the heat more widely and is not directly absorbed by the food being cooked. As a result, most of the energy from the gas is used to heat the air around the pan, not the food itself. With medium-low heat, the heat remains concentrated in the cooking area, minimizing heat loss and making the gas used more efficient.

" I use 12 kg but cook every day with medium heat down to low... Helps to save gas energy.. Either a 3kg cylinder or other capacity sizes ," wrote Vera in the comments column.

tricks to use gas cylinders more economically  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@studiobymrkitchen

Having been watched almost 4 million times, this cooking trick video immediately caught the attention of netizens. Not a few other Instagram users then gave direct responses in the comments column. Most of them admitted that they often apply the same trick to save gas cylinders.

" That's true, I learned it from working in Singapore before, I'm just surprised that at home my mother (in the village) uses so much gas, " said Instagram @sandymaretha.

" Every time I cook, I always use low heat, the reason is because every time I cook I have to prepare something (so the food doesn't burn quickly) unless I'm in a hurry, then I use high heat, " wrote Instagram @zhumagination.

" It's true that I live at home using 5 kg of gas, I cook every day, even the menu is different every day and the new gas can only last up to 1.5 months using medium heat, " explained Instagram @vvnayusepti.

" It's true, I cooked rib soup for 2 hours, had to use low heat to get the broth out, thank God the gas still lasted a month, " commented the Instagram account @rumah_wafiq.
