foto: YouTube/FITRI KHANSA

Many leave the mop dirty for a long time. As a result, the mop cannot function optimally and the floor actually smells fishy after mopping.

  17 Maret 2024 10:30 - Mopping the floor is one of the cleaning activities carried out every day at home. This aims to ensure that the floor is always clean and smells good. Many people use a mop when mopping dirty floors. Well, because it is used almost every day, you also need to pay attention to the cleanliness of the mop, you know.

It's best to wash the mop after every use so that dirt doesn't accumulate. But unfortunately, many people leave their mops dirty for a long time. As a result, the mop cannot function optimally and the floor actually smells fishy after mopping. Not only that, the appearance of the mop also becomes dirty and dull.

Many people try to wash dirty mops by brushing them with detergent. However, because the dirt is stubborn, the dirty stains are still difficult to remove. Finally, many people choose to soak the mop overnight to remove the dirt. However, the result is that the mop actually smells musty.

But you don't need to worry, it turns out there are still other ways you can try, you know. One of them was shared by YouTube user FITRI KHANSA. He once shared a trick for washing a mop without having to soak it overnight. He admitted that he only soaked the mop for 1-2 hours, but the dirt and stubborn stains really came off.

Tricks for washing dirty mops.

tricks for washing dirty mops plus 3 kitchen ingredients  various sources

photo: YouTube/FITRI KHANSA

Reported by BrilioFood from YouTube FITRI KHANSA on Sunday (17/3), the cleaning materials used were detergent and clothes bleach. There are also 3 additional kitchen ingredients used, namely dishwashing soap, baking soda and vinegar. These three ingredients will change the appearance of the mop so it looks white like new.

tricks for washing dirty mops plus 3 kitchen ingredients  various sources

photo: YouTube/FITRI KHANSA

First, prepare a bucket to soak the mop. You can also remove the mop from the handle to make it easier to brush. Then boil the water until it boils, then pour it into the bucket. Add enough liquid detergent. Then, also add baking soda and vinegar to taste. Then insert the dirty mop and let it sit for about 1-2 hours.

"Well, Masha Allah, all the germs have fallen out, the water has turned amazingly brown," said the YouTube user.

tricks for washing dirty mops plus 3 kitchen ingredients  various sources

photo: YouTube/FITRI KHANSA

After soaking it, he scrubbed the mop with a clothes brush. As a result, the dirt on the mop slowly begins to fade. However, the YouTube user felt that his mop was not completely clean so he soaked the mop again.

tricks for washing dirty mops plus 3 kitchen ingredients  various sources

photo: YouTube/FITRI KHANSA

In the second stage of soaking, he soaked the mop with hot water, clothes bleach and dish soap. Then, leave the mop for 1-2 hours.

tricks for washing dirty mops plus 3 kitchen ingredients  various sources

photo: YouTube/FITRI KHANSA

After soaking for 1-2 hours, brush the mop again. The dirt immediately fades as soon as you brush it. If so, rinse, wring and dry the mop until dry before using it again to mop the floor.

"Thank God, the floor is shining. Good luck," he concluded.

This trick for washing mops is really easy, isn't it? Are you interested in trying it?

Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.