
It is important to clean the refrigerator regularly to keep it hygienic and odor-free.

  11 Maret 2024 11:00 - The refrigerator is often left closed so that the food in it remains fresh. However, this can sometimes make the aroma in the refrigerator less pleasant. That's why it's important to clean the refrigerator regularly so that it remains hygienic and odor-free. However, sometimes even though it has been cleaned, there is still an unpleasant smell coming out of the refrigerator, you know.

This could happen, especially if there is a stock of fresh food in the refrigerator such as animal meat, vegetables, shrimp paste chili sauce and other ingredients with a strong aroma. To overcome this, quite a few people choose to spray a special refrigerator cleaning fluid. However, this method is often not effective in eliminating unpleasant odors in the refrigerator.

Well, there is one more trick that you can try at home. Netizens shared the trick to get rid of unpleasant odors in the refrigerator on the YouTube account Yuli n Bela Billa. After all, this trick is really simple, it only requires one drink ingredient. What's more interesting is that this method doesn't require spraying a special liquid, you know.

This trick to get rid of unpleasant odors in the refrigerator only uses simple ingredients.

Prepare a bowl then fill it with ground coffee. Yup, ground coffee is the main ingredient for practicing women's tricks for getting rid of bad odor on Yuli n Bela Billa's YouTube account.

"We use ground coffee, 3 or 5 spoons," he stressed, quoted by BrilioFood on Monday (10/3).

Women's tricks to get rid of bad smells in the refrigerator  YouTube

photo: YouTube/Yuli n Bela Billa

Next, place the bowl containing the coffee grounds in the refrigerator. Close the refrigerator and leave the coffee grounds overnight in the refrigerator. The coffee grounds will emit a fragrant aroma while absorbing unpleasant odors in the refrigerator.

Women's tricks to get rid of bad smells in the refrigerator  YouTube

photo: YouTube/Yuli n Bela Billa

The next day, the coffee grounds can be set aside from the refrigerator. The owner of the YouTube account, Yuli n Bela Billa, explained that this trick was really effective in dealing with the refrigerator freezer, which initially gave off an unpleasant meat aroma, so it became neutral again.

How about it, it's a really simple trick to get rid of bad smells in the refrigerator, isn't it? Taking a peek at Yuli n Bela Billa's YouTube upload, not many netizens have left comments, but this video has been watched more than 16 thousand times.

Benefits of coffee for beauty.

Coffee has several potential beauty benefits when used wisely. However, keep in mind that the effects may vary depending on skin type and individual condition. Here are some of the benefits of coffee for beauty.

1. Exfoliate the skin.

Coarse coffee beans can be used as a natural ingredient to remove dead skin cells, making skin feel smoother and brighter. A facial mask or body scrub containing coffee grounds can help remove dirt and oil from the skin.

2. Antioxidants.

Coffee contains antioxidants, such as chlorogenic acid, which can protect the skin from damage caused by free radicals and premature aging. Antioxidants help maintain skin elasticity and increase collagen production.

3. Reduces swelling.

The caffeine content in coffee has a blood vessel-constricting effect, which can help reduce swelling under the eyes and reduce the appearance of dark circles.

4. Reduces cellulite.

Some people believe that the caffeine in coffee can help reduce the appearance of cellulite by increasing blood circulation and tightening the skin.

5. Remove dirt from the skin.

The acid content in coffee can help clean and refresh the skin by removing dirt and excess oil.

6. Reduces wrinkles.

The caffeine in coffee can also help reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines by stimulating collagen production and increasing blood flow to the skin.

However, keep in mind that the abrasive and stimulant nature of coffee can cause irritation or allergic reactions in some individuals. Before using skin care products that contain coffee or making natural concoctions with coffee, it is important to test a small area of your skin to ensure there are no negative reactions. Additionally, consult an esthetician or dermatologist if you have certain skin conditions or if you are unsure about using coffee-based products.
