foto: Pexels/Tamanna Rumee

Often considered worthless, it turns out that the skin of this fruit has extraordinary health benefits.

  22 Juli 2024 23:59 - Finding a number of supermarkets or shops selling fruit is certainly a pretty good thing, isn't it? But have you ever imagined that traders also sell fruit peels? This is what the TikTok account user @sindangbeken1020 encountered.

Through his upload, a man showed a supermarket in Japan selling watermelon rinds. Yup, the fruit skin is packaged like the fruit that is usually sold. The position of the watermelon rind is also placed in the same place as the fruit.

The skin of this fruit actually becomes a profit  Various sources

This fruit skin actually makes a profit

Not a few netizens left various responses in the comments column of this TikTok video @sindangbeken1020. Some of them said they were surprised why watermelon rinds could be sold, even though in Indonesia they were just thrown away.

"It's such a shame in Japan to eat watermelon rinds," said TikTok @userg7l7oer74b, quoted by BrilioFood on Monday (22/7).

"The skin is only for sale," said TikTok @user.

"Come here to Bukittinggi bro... Every afternoon the fruit brothers go around giving away free fruit," added TikTok @M Hanavi1205.

This fruit skin actually becomes a profit  Various sources

This fruit skin actually makes a profit

The owner of the TikTok account @sindangbeken1020 also displays the price of watermelon rinds sold in the supermarket. Namely, for 2 pieces of watermelon rind it is written that the price is 20 Yen or the equivalent of IDR 2,000.

How about it, that's quite a profit from selling watermelon rinds, isn't it? Not to mention, watermelon rind is also known to be popular in Japan. The reason is, watermelon rinds can be innovated into various dishes, including cakes, jams, drinks, ice cream, and many more.

Several netizens in the comments column of the TikTok video @sindangbeken1020 also said similar things about watermelon rinds which can be made into various dishes.

"You can make it into sweets and add sugar," said TikTok @Happy Saving.

"can be lightly stir-fried", or in soup. "It's delicious," wrote TikTok @SiLumaN_LebaH.

"For making pickles, it's also delicious when stir-fried," added TikTok @rosalina.

This fruit skin actually becomes a profit  Various sources

This fruit skin actually makes a profit
Unsplash/Juja Han

Apart from being used as an innovative dish, watermelon rind is also consumed because it contains a number of nutrients that are good for the body. Reporting from, consuming watermelon rind can improve muscle and bone performance when exercising, reduce high blood pressure, meet fiber needs, and so on.
