foto: Instagram/@fas_living

Rubber parts of the refrigerator that are not tightly closed can cause the area to become damp, thereby triggering the growth of mold.

  26 Juni 2024 13:00 - Refrigerators that have been used for a long time usually tend to get dirty easily, especially the rubber on the door. The white refrigerator door rubber can sometimes become dull and blackish. In some cases, there are even black spots stuck to a number of rubber surfaces of the refrigerator door .

Basically, black spots on the refrigerator door rubber are mold stains. This is caused by high humidity in the refrigerator area, poor hygiene of the refrigerator, and leaks or condensation. Not only that, the rubber part of the refrigerator that is not tightly closed also causes the area to become damp, thus triggering the growth of mold.

To remove these mold stains, some people usually remove and wash the refrigerator door rubber. Apart from that, there are also those who choose to scrub it using a brush. Unfortunately, in some cases, this method tends to be less effective if the fungal spots are very old and stubborn.

If the mold spots on your refrigerator door rubber have spread and are stubborn, there's no need to worry, there is a simple trick you can do to deal with it. An Instagram user @fas_living once revealed a trick to remove black mold spots on the refrigerator door rubber. With one simple ingredient, mold spots on the refrigerator door rubber can be removed just by compressing it, you know.

How to use bleach to clean refrigerator door rubber.

tricks to remove black mold spots on refrigerator door rubber  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@fas_living

Reported by BrilioFood on Tuesday (26/6), the simple ingredient used was bleach. Yup! This whitening liquid can be very effective in removing stubborn stains. However, for maximum results, prepare a tool in the form of cotton.

To use it, just prepare several pieces of cotton to compress the refrigerator door rubber. If you feel the size is too wide, cut the cotton into two parts. After that, arrange it and put it in a bowl or container.

tricks to remove black mold spots on refrigerator door rubber  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@fas_living

Next, pour in enough bleach. Make sure the cotton is really wet, okay? Only then take them one by one and stick the cotton on the rubber surface of the refrigerator door which is affected by mold.

At this stage, make sure all the mushroom spots are tightly covered. After that, let it sit for a few minutes so that the bleach soaks into the stain and makes it easier to clean. When you have let it sit, remove the cotton by rubbing it against the rubber of the refrigerator door.

tricks to remove black mold spots on refrigerator door rubber  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@fas_living

Then, if there is still something that isn't clean, rub it again using the cotton. For the rubber folds of the refrigerator door, you can use a toothpick or stick when cleaning it. So, do this process until the refrigerator door rubber is completely clean and white again.

The final step, you can wipe the surface of the refrigerator door with a wet cloth and a dry cloth. This is done to remove any remaining bleach liquid that is still attached. That way, food stored near the refrigerator door rubber will remain safe and not contaminated.

tricks to remove black mold spots on refrigerator door rubber  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@fas_living

This post about tricks for removing black mold spots on refrigerator door rubber immediately attracted the attention of netizens. Who would have thought, many other Instagram users were interested and also provided responses directly via the comments column.

"Nice tips sis," said Instagram @niarosdiani.

"The fridge doesn't smell like bayclin, sis," asked the Instagram account @reynadyanindita.

"Thank God no, bro... I'll just rinse it with a wet cloth," replied Instagram user @fas_living.
