foto: YouTube/Leigh Matheson

This part of the door should be cleaned regularly, so that the color does not turn dull or even crusty.

  18 Juni 2024 11:00 - Door handles are usually made of iron, so they are sturdy and last for years. Even so, this part of the door should be cleaned regularly, so that the color does not become dull or even crusty. If you rarely clean it, stains on door handles can become stubborn, you know.

If it's stubborn, many people are confused about how to clean it, as a result, the door handle is just left dull. So, for those of you who don't know the trick, you can try a trick from netizens on Leigh Matheson's YouTube account to clean door handles, here.

As reported by BrilioFood on Monday (17/6), this netizen known as Leigh is practicing a trick for cleaning his bathroom door handle. However, you can also try it on other door handles in the house. After all, Leigh has several ingredients to help clean doorknobs, and three of them come from the kitchen, you know.

Tools and materials needed to clean door handles.

The first thing you have to prepare is a clean cloth or towel. Pour detergent, dish soap, or any cleaning agent on the cloth. Then, rub it over the entire surface of the door handle.

If so, sprinkle the cloth with salt. So, salt is the first kitchen ingredient to practice this trick. YouTube account owner Leigh Matheson explained that it's best to use coarse salt so it's easier to remove the stain. Just rub the cloth with salt on the door handle until it is evenly distributed.

Tricks for cleaning dull, crusty door handles  YouTube

photo: YouTube/Leigh Matheson

Next, dip the cloth in a container containing lime or lemon juice. Immediately rub the cloth onto the surface of the door handle. Then, smear the door handle with tomato sauce evenly. Yup, lime or lemon juice and tomato sauce are the second and third kitchen ingredients in this trick.

If the tomato sauce has been spread evenly, rub the door handle directly with a cloth while pressing gently so that the stain comes off easily.

Tricks for cleaning dull, crusty door handles  YouTube

photo: YouTube/Leigh Matheson

Finally, use a rough sponge to rub the entire surface of the door handle until the crust or stains causing the dullness are gone. While rubbing, you can also add soap and water to make it more effective at removing stains.

So, when the door handle is clean of stains, immediately rinse it using a clean cloth dampened with water.

Tricks for cleaning dull, crusty door handles  YouTube

photo: YouTube/Leigh Matheson
