foto: TikTok/@una_anggi

A lot of grease stains can settle in the sink drain and cause it to become clogged.

  26 Agustus 2024 22:00 - Most dishes in Indonesia contain a lot of fat. Just to name a few, rendang, gulai, tongseng, opor, and others all have a lot of fat content. No wonder many people are lazy to clean up after cooking, because all surfaces of the cooking utensils are covered in fat that is difficult to eradicate.

For some people, washing greasy cooking utensils is a homework. Because, quite a lot of grease stains are at risk of settling in the sink drain and making it clogged. If it is already clogged, you may have to spend more money to fix the sink drain so that it is not clogged again.

Tricks to clean greasy cooking utensils so they don't clog the sink drain  TikTok

photo: TikTok/@una_anggi

So that it doesn't clog the sink drain, don't wash greasy cooking utensils straight away. This was also explained by TikTok user @una_anggi. This netizen admitted to having her own way to clean greasy cooking utensils so that they don't clog the sink drain.

Tricks to clean greasy cooking utensils so they don't clog the sink drain  TikTok

photo: TikTok/@una_anggi

As reported by BrilioFood from TikTok @una_anggi on Monday (8/26), there are two alternative ways to clean fatty cooking utensils so they don't clog the drain. So, are you curious about the trick?

Tricks to clean greasy cooking utensils so they don't clog the sink drain  TikTok

photo: TikTok/@una_anggi

The first way, before washing cooking utensils such as pans, you can remove the grease stains with tissue first. So, after all the grease stains have been absorbed into the tissue, then wash the pan with water and dish soap as usual. Meanwhile, the tissue that has been used to wipe the grease stains can be thrown directly into the trash.

Tricks to clean greasy cooking utensils so they don't clog the sink drain  TikTok

photo: TikTok/@una_anggi

While the second way, you can directly pour enough dish soap into the fatty pot or pan. Then, add a little water and rub until all the fat stains that stick are dissolved with water. Make sure the process of rubbing the pot or pan does not make the water fall into the sink.

Then, the soapy water that has successfully removed the grease stains can be transferred into a container. Later, the water can be disposed of into the ground, gutter, or open area. So, no grease stains are disposed of through the sink drain.

How, this trick to clean greasy cooking utensils is very simple, right? Peeking at @una_anggi's TikTok upload, several netizens left enthusiastic comments about this trick and some also shared other tricks that are no less useful.

" But if there is still a lot of fatty sauce, how do you throw away the water ?" asked TikTok @Afiya Kamila.

"There are no gutters/ditches in our housing complex, thank God I had some leftover land so I made an infiltration well, for the toilets and bathrooms, all the water goes to the infiltration well ," replied the account owner.

" But it's better like this, put tissue in the fat, add Sunlight soap or dishwashing soap, whatever, then add water and shake it, the fat will be lifted ," explained TikTok @Cillaaaa.
