When he was little, he won and received an award from Tien Soeharto in a Koran khatam competition.

  6 Februari 2024 21:22

Brilio.net - Living independently from childhood is the guideline taught by the parents of this Indonesian dandut singer. Born in Jember, East Java, chanting the holy verses of the Koran became a habit for most people there, which is why this dangdut singer was already a little qoriah at that time.

Long before he became a famous dancer and mainstay presenter, the dancer who aspired to become a preacher had already made achievements since elementary school. This boy won and received an award from Tien Soeharto in the Koran khatam competition.

Dewi Persik Rumah 30 billion  various sources

photo: Instagram/@dewiperssik9

Not only can he read, he has also taught the Koran to young children at the Al-Quran Education Park (TPA). He expressed this when he was invited to a program on a television station. From teaching the Koran, he received a salary of IDR 15 thousand per child.

"Yes, if I'm not mistaken, it used to be IDR 15 thousand for one person," he said.

It is not surprising that this boy has the ability to read the holy book, apart from the fact that he was previously required to memorize verses of the holy Koran, apparently he also comes from a kiai family. The father is none other than a kiai who is quite respected in Jember.

dewi perssik house 30 billion  various sources

photo: Instagram/ @dewiperssik9

This figure is Dewi Murya Agung or popularly known as Dewi Perssik, sworddut who rose to fame after singing the song entitled "Bintang Pentas" created by H. Ukat S, which was released in 2003. At that time he was still young, namely 18 years, but a promising career was already in front of his eyes.

Working as a Dancing is not an easy journey for the woman who is familiarly called Depe. He had to accept the fact that his father did not approve of his daughter becoming an artist. But nothing could shake Depe's determination at that time.

Even without pocket money from her parents, this woman, born 38 years ago, still went to Jakarta with money from her shoe buying and selling business, namely IDR 750 thousand, and lived in a boarding house. As a child of immigrants, Depe struggles alone to meet his living needs.

dewi perssik house 30 billion  various sources

photo: Instagram /@dewiperssik9

Even at that time he had time to busk on the Jakarta protocol road. It doesn't matter if the results are small, because that's the only way he can eat. This attitude of never giving up cannot be separated from the teachings of his parents, that learning to live independently is a must.

Because of that, Depe never wanted to bother his parents. Whether it was about wealth or bad news, Dewi Perssik swallowed it all whole. Including when Dewi had to sing 3 to 4 places a day and wasn't paid at the start of the gig.

"The first time I performed, I wasn't paid, I had a manager named Mr Yogi, I lent him his clothes," recalled Dewi Perssik quoted from YouTube ESGE Entertainment.

dewi perssik house 30 billion  various sources

photo: Instagram/@dewiperssik9

The saying is true that effort will not betray the results. Dewi Perssik's hard work and strong desire are gradually producing good results. From being unpaid, he has now become a dancer with a salary of IDR 350 million per gig.

From just singing from stage to stage, he has now become a judge and even a presenter on television. Some of the television shows that Dewi Perssik has hosted include Pagi-Pagi Ambyar, Sore-Sore Ambyar, CLBK, D'Koplo, and many more. He has also ventured into the world of acting, initially being paid only IDR 150 million, now stuck at IDR 450 million.

dewi perssik house 30 billion  various sources

photo: YouTube/DEWI PERSSIK & Aristek Konars

After more than 20 years as the country's top singer, Dewi was finally able to fulfill her dream of having a luxurious house to live in. The value of Depe's house is estimated at IDR 30 billion, you know. Not just luxurious, this three-story house is equipped with cool facilities such as a swimming pool, a spacious prayer room, a kitchen with reliable furniture, and much more.

The rupiah he collected from his career in the entertainment world is also brought Dewi Perssik to expand her business. He has undertaken several businesses. Starting from culinary by opening a cafe and military-style accommodation called Basecamp Military Lifestyle, herbal businesses, liquids, to entertainment venues.
