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Consuming excessive coffee is not recommended for pregnant women.

  29 Mei 2024 10:45

Brilio.net - Pregnancy is a condition when the fetus develops in the mother's stomach during pregnancy. So, it is necessary to intake food and drinks with balanced nutrition so that the fetus can develop well. One drink that pregnant women should be wary of is coffee. Coffee has a high caffeine content which can potentially pose risks and dangers to the health of the mother and fetus in the womb.

Consuming excessive coffee is not recommended for pregnant women. Reporting from the National Library of Medicine written by Edmund Hey, he stated that consuming small amounts of caffeine during pregnancy can increase the possibility of health problems for the mother and baby. The reason is, the caffeine content in coffee can easily enter the placenta during pregnancy.

From this brief explanation, it was found that coffee is not good for excessive consumption by pregnant women. So, so that you better understand the risks and dangers of consuming coffee for pregnant women, let's look at the review in this article, reported by brilio.net from various sources, Tuesday (28/5).

Risks and dangers of coffee for pregnant women

1. Insomnia

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One of the risks of pregnant women consuming excessive coffee can cause insomnia. This is because coffee contains caffeine which has the potential to cause insomnia. According to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), pregnant women should only consume less than 200 mg of coffee caffeine (around two, six ounce cups) per day.

Please note that when pregnant women consume coffee, the metabolism of pregnant women will be slower than that of ordinary people. Metabolism in pregnant women slows down around 1.5 to 3.5 times slower. It can be concluded that when pregnant women consume just a little coffee, they will easily experience insomnia.

2. Anemia

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The content in coffee which contains phenolic compounds can inhibit the absorption of iron. If consumed by pregnant women it can cause anemia. Anemia occurs when there is a lack of iron intake as a form of hemoglobin (Hb). Iron is needed to deliver oxygen in the body, especially for pregnant women and fetuses.

3. Gastric problems

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The next effect that pregnant women experience when consuming coffee can cause stomach problems. Reporting from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), caffeine in coffee can increase stomach acid production, which can worsen symptoms of stomach problems such as heartburn, ulcers and acid reflux. Apart from causing stomach acid, this condition will worsen conditions often experienced by pregnant women such as nausea and vomiting.

4. Increased blood pressure

Increased blood pressure can occur in pregnant women due to consuming coffee. This condition is also called preeclampsia. According to the National Library of Medicine, preeclampsia is a pregnancy complication characterized by high blood pressure and damage to other organs, especially the kidneys. It is recommended that pregnant women with a history of high blood pressure or preeclampsia in previous pregnancies may need to limit their caffeine intake.

5. Diarrhea

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Excessive coffee consumption by pregnant women can cause diarrhea. This condition can occur because coffee can stimulate intestinal contractions. If a pregnant woman suffers from irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), the symptoms she experiences can worsen further.

6. Fluttering

Coffee contains caffeine which contains stimulants. When consumed by pregnant women it can cause feelings of palpitations. This condition continues with the appearance of discomfort in the pit of the stomach and chest.

7. Anxiety

Anxiety can occur when pregnant women consume excessive coffee. The caffeine content in coffee works in the brain's central nervous system by releasing several hormones, such as dopamine, serotonin, adrenaline and norepinephrine.

8. Dehydration

Coffee contains caffeine which acts as a diuretic (fluid comes out of the body) so if consumed excessively by pregnant women it will result in frequent urination. If pregnant women do not compensate by drinking water (fluids) it will result in dehydration.

9. Placental health is threatened

According to the American Pregnancy Association, coffee contains caffeine which can cross the placenta. The caffeine substance will be channeled into the fetus's body. A situation like this will threaten the safety of the fetus because the fetus' metabolism is not yet able to accept the caffeine that enters the body.

10. Birth defects

Birth defects can occur due to the effects of caffeine entering the fetus. A fetus whose organ development is not yet perfect will experience organ damage if caffeine enters the fetus's body.

11. The baby's weight is not ideal

Pregnant women who drink more than 100 mg of coffee per day can increase the risk of having a low birth weight baby. This condition is caused by the caffeine contained in coffee.

12. Premature birth

Excessive coffee consumption during pregnancy can increase the risk of premature birth. Pregnant women are recommended to limit their caffeine intake to 200 mg per day. In addition, caffeine causes uterine contractions and ends in premature birth.

13. Miscarriage

According to the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, excessive caffeine consumption in pregnant women can cause miscarriage. Pregnant women who consume 200 milligrams or more of caffeine per day are twice as likely to experience a miscarriage as those who do not consume caffeine.
