This song tells about deep feelings of love and sincere sacrifice.

  28 September 2024 07:05 - Sheila On 7, a legendary band from Yogyakarta, Indonesia, has created many songs that have become hits and are remembered by many people. One of the most iconic songs from this band is "Dan". This song was released in 1999 as part of their debut album entitled "Sheila On 7". The song "Dan" is not only popular because of its catchy melody, but also because of its deep and meaningful lyrics. This article will thoroughly explore the meaning of the song "Dan" and why this song is so special to many of its listeners.

The song "Dan" was created by Eross Candra, the lead guitarist of Sheila On 7. This song tells about deep feelings of love and sincere sacrifice. In an interview, Eross once said that this song was inspired by personal experiences and observations of love relationships around him. This song describes the feelings of someone who is willing to do anything for the person they love, even though they have to face various obstacles and difficulties.

The lyrics of the song "Dan" are very simple but full of emotion. Here are some of the most prominent parts of the lyrics and their meanings:

"And... when tomorrow comes again, it will be like before where you can joke around"

This section describes the hopes and longings of someone to return to the good times with their loved ones. There is a strong desire to repeat the happy moments that were once experienced together.

"And... slowly you forget me, your nightmare where I have stuck sharp thorns"

The lyrics convey a sense of regret and an awareness that his presence may have hurt the person he loves. There is an acknowledgement that he may have been part of that person's nightmare.

"And... when this time is over, no longer standing on the world, I have spent the rest of my life only for you"

This part is the pinnacle of sacrifice and dedication. A person is willing to spend his entire life just for the person he loves, even if it means leaving this world. This is a very sincere and deep form of love.

Deep meaning

The song "Dan" teaches about true love and sacrifice. True love is not only about happiness, but also about the willingness to face difficulties and obstacles for the sake of the loved one. This song also reminds us that in love, sometimes there is regret and pain, but it does not reduce the beauty and greatness of love itself.

The influence of this song

Since its release, the song "Dan" has become one of Sheila On 7's most popular songs. This song is often played at various events, be it weddings, birthdays, or other events. Many people feel connected to the lyrics and melody of this song, because it describes a universal and deep feeling.

The song "Dan" has also inspired many other musicians and songwriters. Many have tried to imitate the simplicity and honesty in the lyrics of this song. Sheila On 7 has succeeded in showing that a simple but meaningful song can touch the hearts of many people.

Lyrics of the song Dan - Sheila On 7

And when tomorrow comes again
As usual
Where you can joke
Slowly you forget me
Your nightmare
Where I have stuck a sharp thorn
You cry too, cry sadly
Forgive me
Not what I meant, not what I wanted
Hurt You
Do you realize that I am also hurt here?
Forget you, put you aside
Forgive me
Just forget about me
If it can make you
Back to shining and glowing
Just like old times
Just curse me
If it can make you
Back to shining and glowing
Just like old times
Not what I meant, not what I wanted
Hurt You
Do you realize that I'm hurt here too?
Forget you, put you aside
Forgive me
Just forget about me
If it can make you
Back to shining and glowing
Just like old times
Just curse me
If it can make you
Back to shining and glowing
Just like old times
Just forget about me
If it can make you
Back to shining and glowing
Just like old times
Just curse me
If it can make you
Back to shining and glowing
Just like old times
wo-ho, wo-ho, wo-oo
