The lyrics of the song "Sampai Menutup Mata" describe feelings of love that are so deep and sincere.

  26 September 2024 16:05 - The song "Sampai Menutup Mata" sung by Acha Septriasa is one of the songs that has a deep and touching meaning. This song was first released in 2006 as part of the soundtrack of the film "Heart". Since then, this song has become one of the most memorable and loved songs by many people. Through its poetic lyrics and beautiful melody, this song successfully conveys a message of eternal and sincere love.

"Sampai Menutup Mata" was created by Melly Goeslaw, a famous musician and songwriter in Indonesia. Melly Goeslaw is known for her ability to create songs that are full of emotion and meaning.

In this song, Melly successfully describes the feeling of deep love and strong commitment between two people. The lyrics of the song "Sampai Menutup Mata" describe a feeling of love that is so deep and sincere.

Deep Meaning

This song not only talks about romantic love, but also about commitment, sacrifice, and perseverance. The love depicted in this song is a sincere and eternal love, which is unshakeable by time and circumstances. This song teaches that true love is about giving the best for the loved one, even if it means facing hardships and sacrifices.


Dew in the early morning
Spreading a wet smell
I count the seconds
Is this my time to go?

Oh God, I love him.
Give me life
I won't hurt him
Punish me if it happens

I'm not easy to love
I don't easily admit that I love you
I don't say it easily
I fall in love

My hum is only for love
My asceticism is only for you
There are no lies, I swear I love you
Until I close my eyes
My love
Until I close my eyes

Oh God, I love him.
Give me life
I won't hurt him
Punish me if it happens

I'm not easy to love
I don't easily admit that I love you
I don't say it easily
I fall in love

My hum is only for love
My asceticism is only for you
There are no lies, I swear I love you
Until I close my eyes
My love
Until I close my eyes
