Not only are they fighting at the Religious Courts, Virgoun and Inara Rusli are also reporting criminal cases against each other at Polda Metro Jaya

  21 Mei 2024 11:50 - The divorce lawsuit filed by Inara Rusli was officially granted by the West Jakarta Religious Court on November 10 2023. However, instead of improving their relationship with Virgoun after they no longer had the status of husband and wife, the two actually launched an action to report each other.

Inara Rusli fought for her children's rights by demanding royalties from several Virgoun songs to be included in Gono Gini's assets. Inara demanded distribution of royalties for 3 songs written by Virgoun, entitled Love Letter to Starla, Prove It, and Selamat (Goodbye). According to Inara, she chose these three songs because Virgoun was inspired by herself and her three children.

Inara Rusli and Virgoun reconcile  2024

photo: Instagram/@mommy_starla

"Why did I choose that song? Because it takes inspiration from myself and the children," explained Inara, as reported by, Tuesday (21/5).

The lawsuit filed by Inara was granted by the West Jakarta Religious Court. In accordance with applicable law, Inara and her children are entitled to receive 50 percent of the royalties Virgoun receives from the song for 99 years.

"So, as long as the creator is still alive and the creation is valid for 99 years based on the copyright law. So as long as both of them are still alive, it remains valid. Half the share must be given to Inara's mother. Even if death occurs, it becomes the children's inheritance," explained Mulkan, Inara's attorney, as reported by

It turns out that the drama of their feud is not only about the divorce suit at the Religious Court. Virgoun and Inara Rusli reported each other for criminal acts.

Virgoun also reported his ex-wife to Polda Metro Jaya on suspicion of illegal access and distribution of personal data. The report is registered with the number LP/B/3830/VIl/2023/SPKT/POLDA METRO JAYA. Virgoun took issue with Inara Rusli accessing her cellphone and sharing personal data on social media.

Inara Rusli's criminal case journey  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@virgoun_

Prior to this case, Virgoun had to undergo an examination at Polda Metro Jaya regarding the alleged adultery case on August 27 2023. Virgoun's examination was to investigate the case reported by Inara Rusli in May 2023. Virgoun was reported to Polda Metro Jaya on suspicion of adultery.

This case was investigated by the Sub-Directorate for Renakta Polda Metro Jaya after receiving a report from Inara Rusli. This report continues the statement letter made by the 36-year-old musician when he was caught having an affair.

The demands made by both of them have now reached the final stage. Inara Rusli and Virgoun decided to make peace and agreed to withdraw their respective reports.

Following up on the peace agreement that had been agreed, Inara Rusli's attorney, Ahmad Ramzy, visited Polda Metro Jaya. However, Inara Rusli was not present to report on the peace agreement with Virgoun.

"Later, it will definitely come. I was the one who came to revoke it, because I was given the mandate to carry out this which has been done at the notary," said Ahmad Ramzy at Polda Metro Jaya, as reported by

"Later, Ms. Inara is scheduled to come next week to carry out a BAP to withdraw the report, as is Virgoun's party. So that the administration can be completed properly," Ramzy added.

Ramzy as Inara Rusli's attorney also explained the reasons for the two of them to withdraw their respective reports and agree to make peace. Apparently, Inara and Virgoun did all this for the sake of their three children.

Inara Rusli's criminal case journey  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@mommy_starla

"From this basis, the two of them (children) met last week without their respective lawyers. They agreed that in the future they could educate their children to be good children," said Ramzy.

Ramzy explained that peace was not accompanied by any agreement. Inara's attorney emphasized that his client was willing to withdraw his report for the good of the child.

"Nothing, they just agreed to make peace for the children. The content is just to remove each other without any coercion, without any pressure, without any conditions," concluded Ramzy.
