foto: adhya pictures/cpm

This film presents a storyline that stirs the audience's emotions

  22 Juli 2024 20:48 - The romantic drama genre has always been a type of film that is quite popular in Indonesia, apart from horror and comedy. However, romantic drama films often present the same storyline. For example, the love story of two people with all its problems.

Not infrequently, the story offered has a predictable plot and ending . In fact, there are quite a few romantic drama films that present dry stories and storylines.

However, it is different from the film " Romeo Ingkar Promises " made by Adhya Pictures with Creative Power Management. This film, which will premiere on July 25 2024 in all cinema networks in Indonesia, is not just an ordinary romance story, but also presents a sweet love story amidst a magical destiny.

This film, directed by Emil Heradi, tells the story of Romeo (Morgan Oey) and Agatha (Valerie Thomas), two people from a broken home who meet and complement each other. Emil as a director is able to place the storyline nicely.

At the beginning of the story, this film presents the story of Agatha who lives with her father and grandmother. Agatha shows a "rebellious" character from the treatment of her grandmother, Oma Suci, played by senior actress Widyawati Sophiaan. Meanwhile, his father, Adrian (Donny Damara), tends to be in a tight position when Agatha and Oma Suci argue. He was confused about who to defend. On the one hand, Agatha is her only daughter, but on the other hand, Oma Suci is her mother.

The conflict that Agatha faces makes her often confide in her friend, Runa (Zulfa Maharani). As a friend, Runa never gets tired of hearing Agatha's "stories" with her family. At this point, the director "plays" with the audience's emotions regarding family conflict.

Love story and plot twist

Romeo Breaks His Promise  2024 photo: adhya pictures/cpm

In the next storyline, Agatha, who had just complained about her life with Runa, had an accident. The motorbike they were riding was hit by a car. Surprisingly, they also "survived" death. Agatha and Runa managed to escape from the hospital. This is where the excitement of the story begins.

Agatha often reflects on her life story by being alone somewhere. One day he went to the lake and met Romeo, a tattoo artist. Romeo's story is almost the same as Agatha's. He is also a child from a broken home who lives with his mother (Unique Priscilla).

After meeting at the lake, Romeo and Agatha met again at a cafe. From here the two of them got closer and fell in love. The journey of love between two people is also spiced with the story of a couple who is in love in general. There are times when it's romantic, but it's not uncommon to have conflict.

Once again, the director is able to play with the emotions and preconceptions of the audience who think the romance storyline shown feels dry. However, the director actually presents a story that requires the audience to carefully observe each storyline.

It came to a point where Romeo had to be at the hospital to see his mother off. Where he accidentally met Adrian, who was waiting for his beloved daughter, Agatha, who had been in a coma for 4 months. This is where the plot twist in this film comes into play.

Romeo also realizes that all this time he has been having an affair with the "spirit" Agatha who is lying in a coma. Romeo also tries to find answers to his love story with "Agatha" until finally he meets "Runa", Agatha's friend, in a cafe. Runa's character also confused the audience because he disappeared in the middle of the story. Runa's presence at the cafe seems to be the key to all the problems Romeo faces. To face problems, the solution is not to run away from the problem. In fact, it must be resolved. Romeo finally reunites with Agatha who has completely recovered from her coma and gets a second chance to improve her life. The reunion of these two people occurred in unexpected ways.

Exploration of love for friends and family

Romeo Breaks His Promise  2024 photo: adhya pictures/cpm

What is clear is that this film not only presents an ordinary romantic drama, but also presents an exploration of love for friends and family. The screenplay for this film was written by the winner of the Citra Cup for Best Adapted Screenplay FFI 2018, Titien Wattimena, together with Lynda Ulviana.

This film was produced by Shierly Kosasih and Leni Lolang, with Ricky Wijaya and Jeremy Thomas acting as executive producers. This film also stars Tatyana Akman and Fajar Nugra. This film also marks the first time Valerie Thomas has played the main character in a feature film. "This film can be said to have a romance story that is fresh, poetic, and strengthened by aesthetic visuals," explained the director.

This film was shot on location in Bali. This location also adds to the visuals, making it very aesthetic with a panoramic view of the Island of the Gods. Bali was chosen to fulfill the "magical" element in this film.

Romeo Breaks His Promise  2024 photo: andriyansyah

"Through this film, we hope that the audience will gain an understanding that not everything will go smoothly in life. There will definitely be a lot of denial, betrayal, and things that are not in accordance with our lives. "However, in the end we also realize that life must continue, just like the characters in this film do," said Jeremy Thomas.

Are you curious about the story of Romeo Broken Promise which presents an unusual, dramatic romance and plot twist? See it in theaters on July 25, 2024.
